Saturday, November 7, 2020

Finally exhaling

 We did it.  We took back our country.  Biden Harris took Pennsylvania, and they're officially recognized.

I'm relieved, excited, and can't wait for decency and respect to return to the White House.  That and a woman, our first female Vice President.  A brilliant, funny mixed race woman.  That checks all the boxes.

I was putting together the grocery list at Handsome Son's request, and promptly added icecream. To go with the giant cookie we'll be plunging into.

Next we work on Georgia senate runoffs in January and see if we can't take back the senate, too.  


  1. Joe has quite a task in front of him to unify your fragmented country. Good luck to him.

  2. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope the ice cream is the most delicious decadent stuff Handsome Son can find. Enjoy every bite!

  3. As my daughter and I agreed today- Joe Biden is a GOOD man. A decent man. And Kamala is a dream. So, so proud and happy!

  4. Glad when it will all be settled.
    America never went anywhere, and facts support that. What actually happened is hatred out of proportion rose up with help to put folks in an ugly frame of mind, throwing respect out the window unless directed where they want it.

  5. Ice cream all round! I feel like celebrating and I’m Canadian!


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