Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Thanksgiving stage is set

 Thanksgiving has happened chez Boud.  And a lovely one it was.  We had a crowd, see below

*The complete turnout of Dollivers, left to right Blondie Firstborn, Dreads, NameMe, Call me Michelle, and Bette Davis.  With the complete Dolliver Kennels in their train. Left to right Shaggy Dog, see other pix for better views, Red Setter, Whippet and Wire Haired Terrier. Blondie Firstborn with Yellow Parakeet, NameMe with Turquoise Parakeet, Call me Michelle with Blue Parakeet.

Here's the table, set for action

And after asiago cheese and breadsticks, and a toast to us and Thanksgiving in the pomegranate juice cocktail,  Handsome Son off in the kitchen, starting to organize this

Is this not a sight to gladden the heart?  Piping hot, served to me without my lifting a finger.  What a treat. 

We finished up with the Victory Cookie and pots, plural, of tea. The VC started as eight pieces, and after eating and sending home with Handsome Son, now is two lonely pieces waiting for me to take care of them, not too hard, I think.

This was the most relaxing holiday I think I ever had.  The cheese and cracker starters were lovely, just chatting and munching, no concern about  things in and on the oven, timing them, watching the clock, just enjoying.  Handsome Son had everything organized, declined my offers of help.

Both very happy about various political outcomes and feeling much better about everything, especially the prospect of a vaccine not too long hence.

Lovely time.

*The Dollivers knitted and named by me, adapted from Knitted Babes, by Claire Garland, aka dotpebbles on line, likewise the parakeets, her pattern, my adaptation. The Dollivers have many outfits, mostly designed by me.  Knitted dresses and Bette Davis' hat from patterns in Knitted Babes.  Straw hats by me.

 The dogs are from the Knit Your Own Dog book, by Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne.  The polar bear you saw a few weeks ago is from their Knit Your Own Zoo book.  Great fun. 

As is a lot of life at the moment!  

And here's what also happened: Handsome Son said he thinks this is how we will do holidays going forward.  Fine by me.


  1. I think he is right. Nice that you both enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you for the support!! I like not doing a lot of work, even though I liked doing it, it, well, it was a lot.

  2. Sounds just right. Interesting how a difficult year can knock us out of our ruts into other (perhaps better!) ones. What a lovely celebration. And what a son you have.

    Chris from Boise

    1. It was. It's nice to have a grown-up son who knows to treasure the time more than the ceremonial. Though the ceremonial was pretty good!

  3. What a fantastic Thanksgiving! And I love your dollies! All covid-free guests!
    And now you can rest and enjoy without stress or mess or cooking or cleaning. I hope you have leftovers.

    1. Only the last of the Victory Cookie. But it's fine. I'm on to sauteed mash with caramelized red onions today.

  4. I'm so glad you had a good time with handsome son. I love the dolls and their given names.

    1. The Dollivers have quite a history over the years of internecine strife, competitiveness etc. Blondie was the first one I made, and the others see her as a bit of a diva, hence the name. Etc.

  5. that's the way to do it. our plan with the daughter may be falling by the wayside as she found out she's been exposed to the virus at work so her kids aren't coming in. we may just cancel all the cooking.

    1. You might want to do a reduced version. But you can enjoy the day anyway, one way or another.

  6. Looks like a very nice Thanksgiving and certainly the best way to do the cooking.

    1. Yes, all heat and eat! So nobody spent a long time in the kitchen. Ready sliced turkey, boil in bag mixed veggies, frozen garlic potatoes. Son's choices. My pleasure!

  7. It sounds perfect! New tradition discovered.

    1. Yes, this year has presented everyone with new ways of doing old things. I like this one very much.

  8. What a lovely day you had. And what a wonderful son you have. We're having a quiet Turkey dinner tomorrow and zooming - due to various ones having been exposed to virus and others playing it safe. That's totally fine with me this year. Even though I'm cooking, and even though I'd love to see my boys in person, I'm choosing to embrace a more relaxed Thanksgiving tomorrow. :)

    1. The novelty of it can be surprisingly pleasant, too.

  9. Looks like a perfect celebration if you ask me! We're taking a page out of your book and our Christmas 'eatings' this year will not feature turkey and all the trimmings. This year we're opting to have pre-made appetizers, a cheese/cold meat tray, chicken wings (simple to heat), and for dessert some boxed coffee cheesecake 'bites'. Easy for Resident Chef and something we don't normally indulge in. Handsome Son is quite right to suggest the same for your next celebration.

    1. I really like that it came from him. It was one of the easiest celebrations for me. Happy to continue it.

      I like the sound of your plans, too. And, as you say, rich and that's fine now and then.


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