Monday, March 11, 2024

Yogurt and other wonders

Yesterday I unwrapped the current yogurt supply. As you see, I make it with containers of hot water, one either side, wrapped in a cloth, inside two insulated bags, one inserted into the other. 

This keeps it steadily, evenly, warm, and I usually leave it for 24 hours, longer than the usual time, but I like the extra tang and consistency. It's still slightly warm when I open it.

You can see the consistency here, served with blueberries, sprinkle of pure cane sugar.

There's something very satisfying about making yogurt, using a few spoonfuls of the previous batch as a starter. I make it about weekly, until the texture gets thinner, then I get a container of Nancy's yogurt from Misfits,  to start a new cycle. This time around, it's been quite a few weeks. 
Yogurt is my go-to for snacks rather than ice cream, for sour cream substitute, in pastry dough, and to make labneh cream cheese.  All purpose food!

The time change is still with me, but I only had to fix a couple of clocks, unlike the groundskeepers here

I did get the knitting ministry gloves completed, still to be finished, and started a neck gaiter in Tunisian crochet.

And, in need of encouragement, found a bit in the daily poem

I keep up with the daily poetry readings from the 365 poems book, though a lot in February were stuck on romantic love, and a bit hackneyed.

Happy day, everyone, pick your poem, whatever form that takes for you, and go for it. Gently, if the time change is an issue for you.

Photo AC


  1. Your yogurt looks yummy. Good idea to make it like that. I usually read a poem or two a day.

    1. This way of making yogurt uses no $ power.

  2. I am doing better with the time change than I thought I would.
    I do like your yogurt set-up.

    1. I'm glad you're handling the time okay. Me, not there yet.

  3. You know, mares are the real boss of the herds. They are no nonsense, get to business animals. Geldings are perpetual 10 year old boys! That is a very good poem. I like the Stone Henge....funny! I don't like the time change. I have made yoghurt but not for a long time.

    1. Ewes likewise in the sheep world. Tups used for procreation, but ewes run the flocks.
      I wish we could stick with one time, I don't care which.

  4. We've both integrated more yogurt into our diets since our surgeries.

    1. It's good for all sorts of health issues. Good for you.

  5. I don't like yogurt. I wish I did. It's so good for you. I'm glad you're doing the neck gaiter. It's so pretty.

    1. It is nice. I don't like chocolate. But I eat a little bit sometimes,like medicine!

  6. Yogurt is a favourite here too, though I don’t make it.

    1. I use a lot of it so I make it so as to keep it affordable. Also to avoid plastic containers!

  7. I love your making yogurt invention, Clever solution for steady temperature! Kudos , Ms. Inventive! I used to use the top of the hot water heater but that has been replaced by something more energy efficient. I have not made yogurt since.

    1. I used to use the top of the old fridge, bread rising too. The new one is cool on top. The water heater has only a few inches of head room. So I had to think again, and got ideas from clever blogistas.

  8. Do you ever drink ayran? It's just watered-down plain yogurt, with a pinch of salt and mint optional. I drank this for years before finding out it is an actual named "thing" in Turkey :)

    1. No, I didn't know about this. It sounds like a good summer drink. Noted.

  9. Yes, it is satisfying to make yogurt and I make cheese too. Looks good. Have a nice day today.

    1. Pretty lazy one, kept dropping off to sleep.

  10. I do like yoghurt but I seem to go in cycles. I’m rather eating it everyday or none for months.
    We have lots of horses in our area and even my daughter had a pony when she was young. I never felt the need. There is no good end to a horse. One end bites the other end kicks.

    1. I think you either love horses or you don't! I have no experience beyond seeing them grazing and running at the local horse stables.

  11. I have never made yogurt but I ate Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries and frozen black cherries for breakfast this morning. Delicious and nutritious!

  12. I love yogurt but, of course, I’ve never made it myself because that’s cooking. But I do admire you! I’ve always wondered how they adjust to DST at Stonehenge!

    1. The time change is probably why the Druids abandoned Stonehenge.

  13. I love yogurt but have yet to attempt making our own. It's enough that RC contends with sourdough and kefir so I hesitate to add yet another container of something brewing.


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