Saturday, March 2, 2024

Misfits, Flanders and Swann, Tom Lake and Talarico, the accordion joke revisited

Some people have asked recently about Misfits, and though I'm not doing pr for them, here's a bit of info. Next questioner will  be referred back here!

Meanwhile some good things are happening in Texas, against the odds. Talarico is a national treasure, great speaker, incisive questioner, gets things done. 

And I was wandering about amusing myself, came across this old gem on YouTube. Mozart's horn concerto by Flanders and Swann.

I saw their earliest show, in the fifties at the Edinburgh Festival, then another later in London. Go find them, several audios with a bit of video footage -- they predated what we do now. Still funny. Evergreen.

And while I'm involved in James Baldwin The Fire Next Time as well as Henrietta Lacks, I needed a bit of light relief with this Patchett.

And a new puzzle. I like the Springbok 500 pieces. The subjects are photographic, the pieces big enough to pick up without scrabbling, and some have interesting shapes. All good.

Happy day everyone, better than Gary's day, where he spilled an entire container of pungent oil-based stain on his concrete patio, and ran over asking for suggestions on how to lift the stain! He'd already got a lot of the liquid up, and we conferred on next steps.

I would like to say before I forget, that I really appreciate blogistas who read with care what I write with care, also the comments that appear before theirs.  

That's so great in an age where people tend to rush,  hitting the high spots, and miss a lot. You're very much valued, an endangered species. I'm lucky you read here.

And here's the accordion joke revisited


  1. It took my husband and I almost three months to do a puzzle recently- a lot of leaves and a photo of the scene which was hard to see. Determination won! We are slow to tackle another!

    1. My borrowing period is three weeks, and I think if I can't get it done then, life's too short to spend more of it!

  2. Ann Patchett was a clue in today's Mini CW. I just had to find her first name. I didn't really know it, but it wasn't hard to guess. No, I don't tend to read carefully. Sorry about that.

  3. Florida's doing the same thing in trying to put religious chaplains in schools. The Satanic Temple (they do not worship Satan and are non-theistic) is insisting that if the other religions get representative chaplains, they should too. They are a registered tax-exempt religion so there's not much the state can do about it.
    Florida and Texas- the Evil Twins.
    I'll be eager to hear what you have to say about the new Patchett book. I was not overly impressed.

    1. Florida needs a Talarico! The patchett is reading a bit tired to this reader, a bit played out.

    2. It was my favorite book last year.

    3. Boud- I agree with you. I finished it but not sure why.

  4. Good idea to mix light reading with the heavy and non-fiction. I like being called a blogista, rather than a blogger. Going with that now!

    1. A blogista is a reader, a blogger a writer. Some are both.

  5. I've used Misfits on and of since it started up. They always have good fennel. Poor Gary! What a mess. These people sure are picky-choosey about the Constitution, aren't they. What separation of church and state? I listened to Tom Lake and enjoyed it. I haven't heard of Flanders and Swann before this.

    1. I've blogged about F and S, but maybe before you started reading here. They're worth a listen.

  6. Misfits sounds worthwhile. Thanks for the introduction to Flanders & Swann. I think I’m already hooked on YouTube. Chaucer’s a very clever tweeter.

    1. I think you'll like F and S. The tapes are old and the sound not very good, but still worth a listen. Chaucer is so cool. He does a lot of Brit political commentary, too.

  7. Yikes on the oil stain. I don't think I've ever used those. Just water-based. Love that you have a fun puzzle. I looked at a few Aldi had the other day.

    1. I don't use oil based anything, for a few reasons!

  8. Good post. You are busy with all that reading but it is a good thing. Have a nice day.

    1. It's like having different projects going for variety.

  9. I enjoyed checking out Flanders and Swann. Thanks for the recommend. Good, clean humor. And watching people enjoy singing along with their silliness in Hippopotamus Song was heartwarming.

    1. I'm glad you checked into them and enjoyed them.

  10. Flanders and Swann were unique and wonderful and represented a level of sophisticated humour that is sadly lacking today.

    1. They're worth revisiting! I think humor is different now, along with our expectations.

  11. Thanks for the explanation about Misfits. While I've heard variations of that joke before, it still made me smile.

  12. I used to buy from a local misfits, back when I still cooked. Very good eats.

    1. I used to get "ugly ' produce at the local farmers market before Misfits was counted. Always tastes fine, regardless of appearance.

    2. Founded not counted, dagnabit.

  13. There is an ugly food group that sells misfit food. We are trying to just get all food into the supermarkets and limit waste. But that means there will be too much and the prices will drop. Supermarkets can’t have that
    I have no idea how to get stains out. Might have to get some toxic stuff for this job
    Hubby is watching television so I’ll have to come back and watch the video

    1. I think he can't get the stain out other than grinding the surface, since it hasn't sunk in. He likes that idea because it involves tools.

  14. I think your misfit food is like our 'perfectly imperfect' here in UK, some supermarkets have 'Odd boxes' of veg and fruit but they sell out really quickly so I never got one..

    1. Sounds similar. I eat very well, at reasonable cost. For me it's great.

  15. I forgot to mention that Boise State University chose The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks as the campus-wide read a few years ago. It opened a whole lot of eyes (and minds, and possibly hearts).

    I had not heard of the Texas (and Florida) school chaplain legislation. It will undoubtedly rear its ugly head in Idaho any day. Good for Talarico and others who raised the alarm, and for all those citizens who pushed back. There is separation of church and state for good reason.

    Thank you for Flanders and Swann, whom I had somehow overlooked. Becki's comment sent me to the Hippopotamus Song - delightful!! And more to explore at a more reasonable time of day.

    Oh, Gary! NADM strikes again!

    Chris from Boise

    1. What a great idea to have a whole institution read one book, a giant book group. Yes, I think Idaho is not far behind on the forced Christianity route. Mary tells me chaplains are an issue in Florida, too.

  16. Thanks, Boud, for posting the information on Misfits. I checked out the website to learn they are in NH and there’s a wait list sign up. We do not have door to door delivery in the mill apts, but a delivery room, so this service would not work well for us (sigh). Tom Lake was an interesting listen as Meryl Streep was the sole narrator. Maybe Gary can consider painting the concrete to cover up the stain? Thanks the the kind words about blog readers😀

    1. Too bad about misfits, but I guess it's complicated for you. Meryl Streep would definitely help the Patchett book, yes.

  17. Poor Gary! What a thing to have to clear up. Twas on a Monday morning, that was Flanders and Swann too i think.

  18. I had forgotten about Flanders and Swann. They're great. I loved Tom Lake -- And Henrietta Lacks, but I can see why you need a break from heavy reading.


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