Friday, March 15, 2024

Chicken and knitting

The chicken roasted nicely and is one of the best I've had, very tender, tastes good, old fashioned chicken taste. I roast it breast down, so it's moist and tender. Olive oil, salt, nothing fancy.

I've made it into sandwiches, and served with steamed spinach, fast food the easy way, next probably curried.

The Friday knitting group yielded casual shots, no new work, just the general atmosphere of the group.

This is my current project, on hold for quite a while. I'm making a basket from the string I made from day lily leaves from the patio. I blogged about making this string a while back. If you do a search on cordage you'll find the beginning of this piece, two (!) years ago.

I'm between knitting projects so I thought I'd finish up my string and see what's next. Cordage is its posh name, and it's hard to stop once you start making it.

And the librarian presented us with eclipse glasses, all ready for April. We'll get a good view, though too far south for totality 

We had the usual conversation about all kinds of things ranging from pensions, decluttering, approaches to art, recent deaths, the upcoming move of my ficus to the library, the clock change, Smokey Bear looking buff, tattoos, art fairs, hoarding and more.

Group of four today: one knitting, one crocheting, one cross-stitching, one basket making. A kind of mini UN of craft working. I heart my group.

The evening I spent in an audio pod with people in several countries talking British royals and politics. It's all go!

Happy day everyone, I hope your go-button is operational today.


  1. I ordered some of the eclipse viewing glasses for the family and friends. We are in the area of totality. What are the chances it will be a fine day? We can always hope…

    1. Yes,so often there's rain! I expect you'd still get darkening, but I hope it's clear. It's dramatic.

  2. When I get out of bed my go button is operational. Long may it continue thus!

  3. Oh yes, I remember your day lily string! Your little basket is coming along nicely -- looking forward to seeing the finished project! Your Friday knitting group sounds like such a good time!

    1. The basket will use up the string then stop. I need to do that quilt as you go stuff..

  4. I've never considered roasting a chicken breast down. It makes sense, really, so I shall have to try it, or at least, suggest others do.

    1. It's worth a try. Sounds as if you're not the resident cook?

    2. I do cook, but not for pleasure, merely for sustenance. My husband enjoys cooking, so we have appetising meals when he's at the helm.

  5. For the first time in days, my go button IS operational. You do the coolest things. I’ll go back and find your blog on cordage. That sounds like so much fun!

    1. The cordage is a lot of fun. I get so much out of day lilies aside from lovely flowering. Paper, cordage, drawing and painting models.

  6. Aw...I love your basket.
    I've never roasted a chicken breast down but I've heard of doing that. I should try it.

    1. It's like self basting. If you try it, let us know how you like it.

  7. That chicken looks wonderful. This post reminds me I need to get some eclipse glasses. I'll check our library. That's a good idea.

    1. Now's the time for glasses last time I was too late but there was a big crowd and people shared.

  8. If I let a project go for two years it might as well go in the trash because I've lost interest. I say that but I have several wax models I started on at least that long ago which I still think about finishing.

  9. I remember your daylily cord making. Glad to see it again. You do do very interesting things, Liz.

    1. So cool you remember it! This was really an interesting adventure in self reliance as well as making.

  10. Nice to see the cord come back and begin working its way into a little basket. I need to rustle up some solar viewing glasses as I am in the area of totality.

    1. It's really good that people remember the cord learning adventure. Yes, you need glasses. Maybe your library has them, or your residence.

  11. I need to see what plants around here could be used for cordage. It sounds like fun.

    1. Any plant with long narrow leaves where the fibers run end to end will do it. Yes, try it, it's fun to do. Useful string, too.

  12. The chicken looks very yummy. I think your un sounds like a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

    1. The chicken is good, yes, just right. I agree about the group, great fun.

  13. That chicken looks just perfect!

    1. I like to have a supply of roast chicken, several meals there, no thinking required.

  14. Roasting a chicken breast down makes a whole lot of sense when you stop and think about it. We rarely buy whole chickens because they are pretty much always a lot more expensive than chicken pieces (why, one wonders).

    1. These two pounders don't seem much different in price from parts to me.


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