Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Pi Day and puzzles

 Also Einstein's birthday.   Happy birthday, dear Albert.

Meanwhile the powerhouse of the small wild animal world threw bits of sticks at my front door, landing on the mat, and defied me when I looked out. You lookin at me? And got busy either burying or retrieving nuts in the lavender.

After a doctor visit for a bone density injection, when she pronounced me and my blood doing fine, I had a walk in the warm 70°f  sunshine.

Pictures of the pond taken between gangs of old golfing duffers, and I tossed back a couple of balls from many yards outside the boundary

And here's a thing to consider, picture taken while waiting for my doctor.

This is where I think  artists, this one, anyway, diverge from the rest of the world. At first I thought this was just a little graphic to break up a dull space.

Then I thought, no, this is a multicultural community, it's probably something written in an alphabet I'm not familiar with.

Finally, after ages I realized it was a literal drawing of how the paper towel dispenser dispenses. I just read things like this so differently from the way the designer intended.

There was a series of graphics like this on the Garden State Parkway, warning people, back before Ezy-Pass, to get ready to toss toll coins into containers. 

One of them I used regularly, having read the text without understanding the graphic, was apparently a really lovely graphic design, balanced, harmonious, contrasting shapes. After  several years of driving the Parkway, I realized it was an image of a hand throwing coins into the container. Oh.

Never mind, my doctor thinks I'm lovely. And there's a baby elephant who really dgaf.

Happy day, everyone, let your ears fly at will!


  1. Oh that baby elephant! What joy!

    In the small photo, I too thought the lines were some interesting design, something with threads trailing off the right corner. When I clicked to enlarge it, the thumb with its nail immediately popped it into the intended graphic design. Had to laugh at your story of the toll road graphic.

    Glad you had a good spring walk, a good report from your doc, and a chuckle at your squirrel. Happy Pi Day back at'cha!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only person who didn't crack the graphic code immediately! happy pi day!

  2. Recently I had a bone density check and my doctor said I have bones like a racehorse. Now that’s the kind of good news it’s good to receive.

    1. Does the speed come with?

    2. No, but I do have endurance, so maybe I’m crossed with a Clydesdale!

  3. Get out your tape measures and start checking the distances across and around those circles have not altered.

  4. That baby elephant is so cute! He wants to fly like Dumbo!

  5. We think you're lovely too! You've reminded me about a little image that appears on the dashboard. I must find out what it is.

    1. Thank you! And if you ever find out, tell us.

  6. I immediately saw what that graphic was but probably because my brain is so literal. Who knows?
    Terrific doctor report! Good for you!
    Your little animal buddy is certainly busy. The squirrels here are as much a part of our landscape as the trees they scamper in.

    1. Funny about the graphic. You're the target audience!
      The squirrels here are destructive, especially if they get inside your roof, as they did a few years ago. Holes in ceilings, debris falling down, arghgh.

  7. Those ears! I didn't see the meaning of the graphic until you said what it is. Your Dr is correct, you are lovely.

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone in being graphic challenged. And thank you for the nice words.

  8. May we all have a day like that baby elephant!

  9. I only saw the hand after reading what you had written. So I’m just like you.
    Maybe we just overthink everything. Too smart of our own good lol
    I’m definitely ot feeling like the baby elephant. Hopefully I will be soon

    1. That baby elephant leap is definitely a goal rather than a reality for a lot of us.

  10. It sounds like a great day! I love how you interpreted the towel dispenser!

    1. I think I know why I couldn't read it. It's set up backwards, movement right to left. Western graphics and art in general assume movement left to right. If I flipped it, it would work.

  11. I too had to enlarge the picture and immediately saw the graphic. But small, it was just a squiggle.

    1. Actual size was about 2.5". A squiggle to most viewers, I think.

  12. We all see the world differently, but, of course, I see it correctly. 😊

    1. Funny you should mention that, because I do, too.

  13. LOL! Not knowing what I was looking at, I thought someone had taken blue pen and scrawled a rather messy "picture" on something. At first I thought I was looking at some sort of architectural feature on the outside of a building - which my mind logically deduced because the pictures before that one were of outside, and you talking about being at your doctor's office. When you explained what the scribbling was, I immediately realized what I was looking at, and the picture made sense. I wish this spoke to my creative side, but I think it just proved that the logic part of my brain is "on" most of the time.

    1. Seems to me your imagination roamed quite far afield!

  14. Love that baby elephant but I tend to think it might be done using AI. And of course you're lovely - why would anybody thing otherwise?

    1. I like the joyful baby, and hadn't thought about ai. Hm.


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