Saturday, March 9, 2024

First daffodil, storms ahoy

 Friday morning brought these sights

First daffodil on the patio

New foliage on the butterfly bush. And I saw the first white butterfly flutter by.  Also the mourning doves trysting on top of the fence, their traditional hangout in spring.

And there will be weather

We're in a red bit for high winds and a green bit for high water. An indoor weekend.

No new pictures from the knitting group, however plenty of chat, over public transit, Dune, Star Wars,  library apps: hoopla soon to go away, Libby to get bigger, cross stitch, storms in forecast, SXSW speakers, six degrees encounters, cast iron Franklin stoves, and more!

Then two participatory pods, one a follow up on the SOTU, one about the British Royals,  the second of which is hilarious since all we have are uninformed opinions, and plenty of them.

Happy day, everyone, and may your chat be as lively and varied as mine.


  1. Those were very wide-ranging topics of discussion at the knitting group!

    1. They usually are. Once in a while a new member comes along and says oh I thought we were supposed only to talk about knitting! As if.

  2. Spring is definitely on the way. And, yes, chickens are very versatile and useful.

    1. Winter is reluctant to leave, but the blossom is appearing anyway.

  3. The weather kept us in most of this week and the snow and ice are back with a vengeance. We hope to get out this morning though.

    Quite a stimulating range of conversation in the knitting group. Love that kind of group!

    1. It's a very varied, age, sex, race, group, and so interesting.

  4. Just as book clubs often seem to be more about food and drink than actual books, knitting group seems to be as much about discussion as about knitting. I would love that so much! I wonder if Hoopla's going to go away here. I have not been overly impressed with it.
    I just realized we're under a tornado watch. What? It's barely breezy.

    1. Hoopla as a whole has been expensive and is going to be dissolved everywhere as I understand it. Libby will be beefed up.
      My book groups have been library based, very strictly on topic, to the disappointment of people just wanting general chat!

  5. If only any of my chat could be as lively and varied as yours! No leaves budding or flowers emerging yet. We've had several days of high wind which must have made its way to you. I have the Libby app, that's what the system uses. I have uninformed opinions on royalty which I don't speak aloud, since I'm not affected by it! Who wants the opinion of a Yank?

    1. All the people in the pod are Yanks!

      If you don't have hoopla you're not missing much. It's never been a way to get books onto Kindle, so for me, that's a drawback.

  6. I love those random-topic chats. Yay for spring arriving. Wishing you well through the storms!

    1. The rain has just started. I think there's rain and wind all over the Northern hemisphere.

  7. I wonder when the daffs will appear here. Crocuses have to come first though.

    1. This year is so mixed up, nothing would surprise me.

  8. Your days are always filled with such interesting things (at least they're interesting to the rest of us - sometimes no doubt rather traumatic for you).
    Raining here this morning and I think it has been pretty much all night and is forecast for another day or two. We need it, so I'm not complaining.

    1. Reading about events is sometimes more entertaining than living them!

  9. The first daffodil is always such an encouraging sight! Do you prune your butterfly bush? We cut ours back quite hard every year, but I'm not sure we really need to.

    1. I definitely have to cut back hard or the bbush would fill the entire patio. I cut it back several feet twice last year, because it filled the space between the chairs so you were peering through foliage to chat. It's also nice to keep the blossoms near the ground so you can smell them, otherwise they're up near the bedroom window.

  10. Your Hoopla comment made me wonder what's going on with our library system, so it got me to check. I've been a Hoopla user for years, and recently the library told us we also have access to Blackstone (which I signed up for, but didn't find what I was looking for at the time and haven't been back to it). I just also saw that we have access to Libby. Had not heard of that before. So glad I checked as I can now be amazed at all the online resources our library offers that I had no clue about. They've been sneaking them in when I wasn't looking. Here's hoping they don't also have plans to phase out others.

    1. Libby is great. It's been around for ages, used to be called overdrive. It's supposed to stay and be better supported. It pays to check.

  11. You have daffs and we have a blizzard forecast for tomorrow.

  12. Speaking of the devil - I just today started the ball rolling to get a bedridden friend of mine, in a very small town, access to Libby, which will expand her world immensely. What a great app!

    For someone who lives alone, you have a very active social life, online and in person, between neighbors, knitting groups, and libraries in general - not to mention the Misfits drivers (I love that you know them by name!).

    Chris from Boise

    1. I'm very glad your friend will get Libby. It's so great to be able to get your books independently of carrying them to and fro and having to arrange that. It makes such a difference late at night when you need a read and the physical library is closed. And since the books return themselves, no worry about overdue dates.

      I always check on the drivers' names, in case I get to greet them. They're all so nice.

  13. No daffodils yet, but I have seen crocuses and all manner of green shoots are poking above the soil.

  14. I love Libby and use it often. I am glad those daffs will have a better life with you and hope that storm subsides quickly. As for being near water, we have a retention pond at the back and I've no idea why those ducks now hang out here since I live further away from their home.

    1. Maybe there are snapping turtles at the pond!


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