Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Snappers continued and buds and home high jinks

Out walking this morning to check on the snapper colony. And found

They'd moved on. Plenty of waterways here to choose from. I'm aware that my photography, unlike that of several blogistas with professional skills and cameras, requires the willing suspension of disbelief as much as anything.

However, if you squint again at the far bank you see only shadows and grasses. No snappers.

And on the left, almost totally camouflaged, the mallard couple have returned, in courting mode. The geese are off, too. So some natural drama may have happened. At any rate, nothing to see here, folks. Now, anyway.  

So at home again,  I got to work on chicken soup, using the last of the chicken and bones, simmered for ages, then the meat picked off, the broth strained, chicken meat added back in plus whole milk, and there are half a dozen servings of cream of chicken soup. 

With fresh cut chives, first of the year, always the best, most pungent cuttings.

As you probably noticed, I was also making yogurt at the same time. 

What I hadn't counted on was Gary showing up in the middle of this, to fix the toilet, finding not only the problem I found, wouldn't stop running, but also a leaking valve. 

This required turning off the whole house water, in order to do the repair. This was unfortunate, since I needed water for various cooking purposes and dishes, also to drink, being ready for a pot of tea. None of this was to be.

I spent my time divided between not letting the milk boil over in the kitchen while holding lights in the bathroom, handing tools like an OR nurse to a surgeon, listening to the latest health problems of a tricky pregnancy in the family, and  generally not getting on with the food.

Many issues and a shopping trip later, this

went back to this

Working now. Many tools from all over the kitchen, hallway and bathroom collected, also his mug of tea, forgotten in the microwave, his phone, various cables and lights, all sorted. 

He tends to be on the mad scientist side of the equation, all possible tools around every room, just in case. But it's done and I no longer have to trudge upstairs to a working bathroom. And I'm very happy with it all. 

I did get the yogurt organized, ready tomorrow. 

And when I finally got to sit down,  noticed the Christmas cactus is now evidently planning on being an Easter cactus. Yes, I know, different varieties, just a joke, don't explain at me.

Anyway look

Buds, buds, I tell you! Suddenly. All over. Maybe she heard the ficus was getting the heave-ho and thought she'd better show her value to the organization quick. Plants know more than we think.

Happy day everyone, you have nothing to prove around here. Just be!


  1. Glad that toilet is fixed. Had a good laugh at your analysis of the Christmas cactus budding frenzy!

  2. I bet the ducks are more content now that the snappers have moved on. An Easter cactus sounds perfect!

    1. They're definitely in calm mode now. Ducklings soon maybe.

  3. Oh my god, you were making soup and yogurt at the same time! And plumber’s assiistant. That is beyond my wildest imaginings. I’d need a siesta. And a Christmas-Easter-Thanksgiving cactus in bed. I’m in complete awe.

    1. I was a bit worn out. A bowl of chicken soup restored me.

  4. If I didn't already know, your bathroom says a creative lives here! I do enjoy Gary Tales. :) I wouldn't know if there is a difference between the two cactus. Soup was finally on the table after Gary finished and all was well!

    1. People can get quite snippy if you get your cactus wrong! Today brought a new adventure.

  5. Men and their tools! Here's a short story from my life that happened yesterday. My husband was being so quiet and not his usual self and I asked him, "Are you mad at me?" and he said, "No, no! I'm just so frustrated with these brake hoses. I can't find the right ones!"
    This sums our marriage up pretty well, I think. I think he's contemplating leaving his crazy old wife and he's thinking about brake hoses.
    You may have inspired me to make some sort of cream of shrimp and kale soup tonight. Thank you.
    So glad you got your toilet fixed. Not as glad as you are though, I bet.

    1. We spoke too soon. But that story is sooooo true!

  6. It's good that everything is now back in working order. I'm often distracted from what I'm doing to be an assistant carpenter, plumber, electrician, with all the associated tools ready to hand - and often not put away afterwards. Still, it saves me attempting to repair things.

    1. It seems to be the male rule: whoever's there is your assistant.

  7. From your comments in these comments, I have a feeling that the toilet story was not over, after all. That has happened to me so many times lately. I heave a sigh that whatever dilemma is handled, then, UH OH. Not so. Another round coming up! It's gotten to the point that the dilemmas seem to be lined up and jostling for priority. The joys of home ownership when both the home and the owner are no longer young! I hope you didn't suffer too much; and that the toilet is finally fixed!

  8. Well, I'm sure it's good to get that toilet fixed, even under less-than-ideal circumstances. Nice to see your healthy cactus! Two of my four are struggling. I think I over-watered one and I'm not sure what happened to the other.

    1. I tend to forget to water this one, no danger of drowning. I'm surprised it's looking happy.

  9. Despite the hectic circumstances, at least the bathroom toilet issue is resolved and your cooking is also done. I had dinner for breakfast as I fell asleep before I could make it last evening. I will enjoy the leftovers tomorrow. Spring is a wonderful season!

    1. Well the cooking was done. There's another bathroom chapter.

  10. Happy Spring!
    Glad your thrown room is repaired.
    I realize seeing your Christmas cactus, I don't recall ever owning one. Nearly everyone I've known and know, have a Christmas cactus. I think it is strange that I don't have one. I wonder if that isn't some kind of syndrome emerging. :)

  11. Gary sounds a lot like Husband leaving things everywhere but very useful to have about too!

  12. You two both support each other in your own ways.

    1. Gary supports everyone! He's a natural born caregiver.

  13. you had a lot of balls in the air at once there and looks like you landed them expertly.

  14. Oh my. Why do they always know to come over when it’s lest convenient. But we know that if we say not now it I’ll be months before they get back to the job.
    Good thing we are great at multitasking

    1. I've had very leisurely days when anything could have been done. Those aren't the days!

  15. The Christmas cactus buds are lovely. Sorry the toilet isn't, yet.

  16. I have total confidence in whatever you say is in - or not in - your photographs, Liz. My vision is not as sharp or clear as it once was, and I often have trouble seeing what's in my own photographs, and I was there when I took them! :)

    1. I think faith is a big part of photography. And mine aren't digitally altered, beyond being cropped for better framing!

  17. oh oh - methinks that there's another chapter in the toilet saga. Buds on the cactus are a good sign. So far I haven't managed to kill my 'labeled as Christmas' cactus but remains to be seen if it will ever bloom.

    1. Labeled as Christmas! Great designation. Yes, there's a plumbing part two.


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