Monday, February 12, 2024

New learning

 Yesterday while the Superb Owl seemed to be taking up all the oxygen, I learned how to make Tunisian crochet lace.

I did keep track of the main events, the arrival of Taylor, who did indeed make it from Tokyo, and the streaker at the Puppy Bowl. He was a Chinese Hairless Crested, and as he ran about nude, no bandana, the cameras pixilated his nude body. 

I think there was also football. But this is what I was watching

I had made a little sampler of stitches earlier just to review

And in other learning, I found that putting the new stain remover pen thing into the same coffee table drawer as the sting relief pen has drawbacks

For one thing they look and feel alike to a person who just took her glasses off, and for another, the sting relief just doesn't work to move a berry stain on your jeans. Just sayin.

The puzzle answer, for those who did or didn't get it was


Three letter words in alpha vowel order. And Caro wins the internet for the best clue! All the clues were good, and I held a comment which I thought gave a bit too much away, and I'm posting it today.

Happy day everyone, let's press the KC team to adopt a less racist team name. Atlanta and Washington did it, KC can too.


  1. I feel that your time was well-spent with your Tunisian lace. I watched none of that game. Not a second of it.
    I did, however, make a lovely oyster stew.
    You're probably correct regarding keeping the stain stick and the sting stick in separate locations.

    1. About the sticks -- even the names are similar! It's sooo confusing. I didn't see any actual game!

  2. Replies
    1. Full disclosure: it's the current anti football meme on Spoutible. But worth stealing.

  3. Hari OM
    The lace is so pretty... I am discovering the joy of Tunisian stitching - it's fun! YAM xx

    1. It's a pretty simple two row pattern. Also a bit addictive.

  4. The Tunisian lace is beautiful. You’ve got skills! Oh, yes, move one of those pens! I have a feeling the stain remover would not feel good when applied to a sting.

    1. It might take my mind off the itching though..

  5. your tube switch worked out better than mine. I got up in the middle of the night with a stuffy nose, didn't turn on the light in the bathroom when I reached for the sterile Ocean and picked up the eye drops instead. discovered my mistake as soon as I squirted it in my nose. a real eye opener.

  6. Superb Owl!!! I didn't watch it but I could hear it and Mark in the kitchen. That is pretty lace.

    1. There were great pictures of owls everywhere yesterday!

  7. Good tip
    The rule to never use anything I can't read the name and/or the directions without my glasses on is a big No works for me.

  8. What makes you think there was football? If there was, I didn't see it. 😊

    1. Me neither! I'm told there was an exciting game.

  9. we missed all of yesterdays Bowls , would have enjoyed the Puppy bowl but we dumped our TV long ago. American football is just dumb, so we would not have watched that anyway. Who could resist a puppy streaker? Not I!
    I have heard of people gluing their eyes shut by accidentally reaching for super glue instead of Murine- I think now though the companies have altered their containers to not look so similar. Sting and Stain in nearly identical tubes- Could be a law suit if one were so inclined.
    I am full of admiration for your abilities with a ball of yarn- you can do the most amazing things with it. So far, your knickers are my absolute fave! I bow before thee!

    1. I haven't had tv for many years, but there are clips all over online.
      That confusion about glue is scary!

  10. I kept oil of wintergreen and citronella in the same drawer in the bathroom. They were in similar bottles. One night I woke with pain in my leg and got up to rub on some wintergreen. When I got back in bed, my husband commented I wouldn’t get any fly bites that night. I couldn’t see or obviously smell anything that night.

  11. I like that Tunisian lace. Also the Cleveland Indians changed, and gave me such an opportunity to explain Cleveland history.

  12. What happens when you mix them up? Did you remove a stain from your arm?
    I have often looked at Tunisian crochet. *sigh* another rabbit hole awaits me!

  13. Joanne, thank you, I forgot the Cleveland change. Caro, that part is yet to come, unless I take precautions. Tunisian crochet is very easy, fatally easy to learn. Not so easy to put down. Or so they tell me.

  14. Beautiful lace and you are right about the need for name change.

  15. For me personally, the only entertaining thing about that game is the annual - and happily international - #SuperbOwl content on twitter. So much excellent photography of artwork and actual owls :) Well done on the Tunisian crochet! That was quick! I haven't been knitting in a while and am planning to see if Portuguese-style knitting will be easier on my hands. I've tried it before, so I know I can do it, but I think having the long break of not-knitting may help my brain and muscle-memory to build a new pathway.

    1. One thing that helps my hands is to wear fingerless gloves while I knit. That extra warmth tends to stop the joints from locking up. I've never tried Portuguese style, but when you get into it I hope you blog about it. I've been wondering about your knitting.

  16. You've reminded me: I shall put a Superb Owl post up. Super Bowl passes me by completely I'm afraid.

  17. The lace is lovely. Well done you
    Yes all we heard here was super bowl. Basically it was Taylor and the half time commercial that most people watched to see.
    It got more air time than our own football grandfinal!
    Me well I avoided it all as much as I could

  18. A sampler of crochet stitches sounds like a great project. Your tunisian looks superb. I have love/hate feelings toward tunisian crochet. The little I've done to date was fun to do, and made pretty fabrics, but boy does it curl!

    1. The stitch that curls is the simple stitch. The others don't. So you need to build in another stitch on the edges. It's like stockinette in that way.

  19. None of that boring Superb Owling happened at our house but I do admit to asking Mr. Google to show me the new Budweiser clydesdale commercial. I love those ads and often watch them. The new one was nice but not up to the standards of the older ones.


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