Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Fans, poems, geese and daffodils

Good medical report, for those inquiring: BP is startlingly improved, better than in years, thanks to rx change, so yay! My lovely doctor did a little happy dance! 

Then later yesterday I was more or less ambushed by a neighbor, and find myself free cycling her ceiling fan. Without success so far. If no nibbles, I'll text her to come collect it. 

Then today's poem happened and made much more sense

Since the weather and I were up for it, I took a walk,  late winter scenes

Many Canada geese tearing up the golf course and pooping everywhere, we have huge flocks of these protected avian vandals. At a distance, it doesn't do to get close to these aggressive characters particularly now near mating time.

And the daffodils are pushing through, against storm damaged trees, which will probably be left to lie, feeding future lichen and fungi growth and sheltering small  animals and birds.

Yesterday all the migrating robins suddenly showed up, trees full of them, as if the commuter train had pulled in. We have year round robins, too, and this is a different community of them.

The scarf continues, a bit hard on the fingers, using a large hook with a fine thread, but the results are pleasing.

And Emma Mitchell gives us another bouquet from her garden to soothe and calm the brain

It's that time when suddenly I'm having to find or get various documents for the condo, chimney inspection, get items printed out to fill in and sign, this year water heater replacement due, it's a lot. Handsome Son is doing what he can, but I always dread the process. Also the costs.

The management tells me I'm more in compliance than most owners. I think this is because I'm not combative with them about it, though some requirements are a bit out there. Largely the township's rules, and the insurer, not blaming the HOA this time.

Happy day everyone, I learned some new online platform methods yesterday, always something new and fun to learn.


  1. Great BP news! And everyone hates Canada Geese, for those precise reasons.

    1. I think people who like them haven't experienced proliferating huge flocks of them.

  2. I like the geese flying or swimming in the lake. Why can't they go to other green areas to feed! Our lake is so low now few are coming. Perhaps they (management?) are trying to get rid of them, and saying this is for construction? Us who walk around it sometimes aren't happy about the mud flats. Yes, Ukraine needs some positive energy from Americans.

    1. They're all over the green areas throughout the region!

  3. Yay on your good BP! That is very good news.
    Lovely scenery there with signs of spring.
    Life is like that, we can go to the Moon but not train geese to use a goose toilet.
    What ever will become of us. :)
    I will never forget myfirst time not know what it is, walking in sandals on a lawn full of goose droppings. I felt trapped on how to get out of there safely.

    Those flowers are gorgeous!
    What a lovely garden to have those to cut from.

    1. Late winter is a great time. Still wintry but not for long.

  4. I am jealous of your walk! AND your bouquet- how lovely! It is the perfect little bouquet to draw and paint! Or to knit into the bottom of a lovely blue scarf...
    Linda sue
    Oh ,and yes, the Canadian Geese can stay in

  5. I love to take bird photos but I ban all Canada geese from my lens. My vow: the only way I would take a picture of a Canada goose is if it was being eaten by a coyote. (I’ve been known to violate the vow, though. Nobody’s perfect).

    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. I wonder if a coyote could win a fight with an angry Canada goose.

  6. I do love those bouquets. So simple yet so beautiful. Glad your bp is good and that you got out for a walk.

    1. Those garden bouquets are lovely, I think particularly because they're small.

  7. Great news on your BP the scarf looks great sorry it is a pain to make.

    1. It's good to have other projects to switch to, for this reason. At least, that's my story.

  8. Terrific BP news!
    Re: the documents and so forth- doesn't it seem as if there is no end ever to the things that must be done that we hate to do?
    We have the Canada Geese down here as well. The robins- when they show up, the very trees vibrate with them. They bring the party with them!

    1. Robins are the ultimate group birds! About documents, it's five minutes since they were last due. St least this mgt company is nice to deal with, unlike earlier ones who couldn't seem to remember who's the boss.

  9. Yay for the bp! The scarf is coming along nicely too.

    1. My mood has leapt up since getting the reading!

  10. I’m so very thankful we don’t live in a HOA area. It’s not a huge thing in this country but there are places, like retirement villages that have them.
    There is enough red tape dealing with local councils and by laws to be getting on with.
    Great news on your health report. A+

    1. These are all local township requirements. They just go through the HOA for convenience. Still a pain, agreed!

  11. love the bouquet of flowers, such pretty Spring flowers......

  12. Getting together al those documents can be quite a chore it seems and when we hear about people having to do similar tasks, we are glad to be apt dwellers. The same goes for when our home owner friends share their tales of taxes, etc. Glad you had a better BP report. The scarf is a lovely color.

    1. yes, renting can be simpler than owning. Around here, however, massively more expensive.

  13. Great news BP. Hope better than in years. Greetings.

    1. Thank you. Also for the Turkish bread recipe. Doing that tomorrow.

  14. You always fill the screen with so much beauty. That bunch of flowers is better than anything put together in a flower shop.

    1. That's silversmith and brain researcher Emma Mitchell's doing. She's wonderful.

  15. I wonder when the robins will get here. I've never marked the time.

    Speaking of birds, the other day I heard an unusual honking. I looked up, and two trumpeter swans flew overhead. I was moved because they were beautiful and I had never seen them like this, hardly ever seen them at all. Then, two more flew by on the other side. Wonderful.

    I am not sure if anyone will want that fixture.

  16. That bouquet is so darned pretty! I took a long walk yesterday and saw the geese here -- they're back and settling. There is always so much to be done and you're on top of it. Good luck with all your condo stuff!

    1. I hope I'm on top of it. It often feels like running to catch up.

  17. Yay for good BP news! That's always a relief.
    Must have been one of those 'universe' things that you were given a fan to freecyle at the exact time that poem appeared. It never ceases to bemuse me just how often things like that happen.


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