Monday, February 26, 2024

New item from Misfits I've added to my order, worth a try. Is anyone familiar with them?

It occurs to me that this is a helpful thought, after the discussion on Mary's blog today about abuse and surviving.

And this doesn't go wrong

I've been needing this with the current state of the world.

I did my Eight Pieces of Silk, what I could remember, while my kettle boiled today. I find it helps to do exercise in that kind of time frame, since I can't just do it without time boundaries, not my style.  I certainly can't keep up a lot of repetition as some practitioners do. But I do my thing. 

I was practicing in front of the kitchen window which overlooks the street, probably amusing local kids if they noticed.

Doctor today, still tracking bp. Hence this abbreviated post, need to leave the house when I normally take my time writing.

Happy day, everyone, breathe!


  1. I have never even heard of pine berries. I will be interested to hear what you think of them.

    Great reminders today too, Boud!

  2. An old friend -- who understood -- sent me a meme that I keep on my desktop at all times: “Make sure you don’t start seeing yourself through the eyes of those who don’t value you. Know you worth even if they don’t.” In a very short time, I have learned to appreciate your worth as well as Mary Moon’s. My dearest friend whom I only knew for a few short years before she died sent me another (she also understood): “In case you forgot to reminds yourself this morning... your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You ware way more than enough. And you are doing an amazing job at life.” I wish she hadn’‘t mentioned my butt, because I now feel obligated to regularly size it up. But the rest sure helps. As for breathing, I need more instructions. I’ve never heard of pineberries. They sound delicious.

  3. Thank you for getting it, and your kind words. I'm hopeful about the pineberries. We'll see.

  4. Hari OM
    I did try pineberries. Once... not horrid, but why mess with a perfectly good strawberry??! Hope the BP looks good. YAM xx

  5. Never heard about those berries, look unripe, but probably ok, do day how they tasted? Love that verse, just what I needed.. I've learnt over the years to let people go who cause me to feel unworthy.

    1. The berries arrive Thursday, so I'll report my findings then.

  6. Thank you, Liz, for understanding. Always.

  7. We all need to breathe with the state of the world these days. Fingers crossed for a good doc appointment.

  8. I hope you get good blood pressure stats at your appointment today.

    1. I did, thank you. The increased meds worked a treat.

  9. That's happy news your bp was good. I don't like the look of the pine berries, I'll be interested in what you think of them. The whole of the world needs to breathe.

    1. I'm intrigued by the new berries, so we'll see. Breathing happily now my bp is youthful again!

  10. I hope the appointment has gone well (by now).

  11. Breathing is good. Remarkable how instructions to 'breathe' can even calm a stessed out 6 year old.

    1. They say the first thing you do when anxiety strikes is to stop breathing! It's good to notice and remedy that.

  12. Pine Berries! They are new to me. I look forward to your report. I like your exercise style. I often get in my moves and stretches in the middle of doing other things.

    1. To me that's a good way of exercising. I'd hang sooner than go to a class with someone else's ideas of moves and structure, and too long for me anyway. I'm looking forward to the Pineberry Reveal on Thursday.

  13. I am so glad the BP med is working and I too appreciate that neme.

    1. Thank you! I think that's useful for a lot of us.

  14. Pineberries I have not tried.
    Hope your BP is doing well.

  15. The name pineberries certainly doesn't quite 'fit' the actual thing. Will be interested in hearing what you think of them.

    1. I wonder if it needs a new name I'll report back.


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