Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Fast food and Valentine's cookies

 Yesterday's local police chief's posting

And this morning's view from the bedroom

Yesterday I found a great fast food lunch idea. Yellow potatoes, microwaved to tender, diced, fried in avocado oil with cumin and kosher salt, in separate pan minced garlic and parsley

tossed together with the crisp browned potatoes, egg fried in the garlic pan
and put on top

spicy and interesting, definitely worth doing. It has an exotic name which escapes me.

Then, since Valentine's day is nearly on us, chocolate cookies happened.

Some with walnuts, some without. Neighbors are getting to share these, and the little boy next door has a nut allergy.

And here's a feast of white work, good to see on a snowy day, exquisite work from Yolanda in Provence

The sparrow below is Nuggie, thrown out of the nest to die because of his deformed feet, found on the sidewalk looking like a tiny pink chicken nugget.  He was brought in to be hand reared and now brightens the days of a costume designer struggling with severe long covid and a disastrous loss of income. Nuggie, with his big personality, has his own online fans who keep him supplied with food.

 And he supplies hope to his humans. 

I thought you might like to know his story because we all have days like this comic
Happy day everyone, use your cloak to suit your mood! 

Today's an at home, no knitting group snow day, probably featuring laundry and chickpea pancakes, it being Pancake Tuesday.


  1. That superhero cloak/blankie is spot on!

  2. My wife would probably like an egg done to that degree, and ya gotta luv it when chocolate cookies happen to happen.

    1. I like a fried egg that's fried, with lacy edges.

  3. after several days of warmth it got back down in the 30s again last night but since it's my grocery shop day I'll have to go out.

  4. Poor little birdie. Nature can be cruel and sometimes humans can be kind.
    Your potato/egg lunch looks very much like something I would make. Potatoes and eggs are comfort food.
    That's a lot of snow! Definitely stay in and stay warm.

    1. The lunch was so good, more interesting than regular fried potatoes. Nuggie now lives the life of Riley, despite being unable to perch. His humans have provided accessibility!

  5. That is a good lunch! I have a friend who has saved a lot of sparrows that have fallen or were pushed out of the nest. He is a kind soul. I've been under my cape for awhile now!

    1. Won't be long before you're flourishing it again, in spring.

  6. I use cumin a lot. A LOT. Love that warm flavor!

  7. that fabric work is amazing. Your quick lunch or dinner sounds good and the cookies look great for valentine's day you are very kind to give them to neighbors. I love the sparrow poem. It looks like you are keeping yourself plenty busy in spite of the storm

    1. I have great neighbors, so I like to let them know they're appreciated. Yes, I'm usually occupied.

  8. Fried up left-over potatoes - one of my favourites. Sounds delicious. Stay safe and away from the ice.

    1. These were cooked from scratch. There were no leftovers!

  9. I had an “OTHER DAYS” day today. Tomorrow it will again by my cape. What you call a fast food meal is what I call a kitchen extravaganza! Save some chocolate cookies for me, with or without nuts. I’m not fussy. My other half HATES walnuts (not allergic), so he never bakes anything with them. My mother used to do whitework that also amazed me.

    1. There's always tomorrow with the cape, yes. I thought some readers would say fast? What's fast about that? Two pans, spices, cubing, chopping.. It's all relative.

  10. Great lunch idea! I love potatoes, fried egg, garlic. So I'm going to make that for me too.
    The sparrow story is very moving! All theBest to Nuggi and his owner!

    1. Enjoy your lunch! And I'll pass on your good wishes to nuggie and his family.

  11. I love Chief Garofolo! Thanks for sharing his update (#thereisnoshovelapp - ROFL!!!), and it looks like the storm wasn't quite as fierce as forecast. Nonetheless a good day to stay home.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Libraries were closed anyway, so it ended up not being a decision!

  12. Great lunch idea. It will be on the menu!

  13. I love cumin. When I was very young I had a recipe for cumin cookies. I loved that spice so much I doubled or tripled or used a whathell dose of cumin and then no one in the family but me ate them.

  14. Love the superwoman cape turned blankie. There are certainly days when one suits better than the other. :)

  15. The Chief uses such fun hash tags...a little humour amongst the dire warnings doesn't come amiss.
    Your lunch looks good but I'll pass. I can't eat fried foods because I can't get past the greasy aspect. A throwback to my childhood I expect.
    Such a sweet story about Nuggie.


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