Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Knitting, soup and Bob Newhart

Here's the slow progress of the current  Sock Ministry socks, with the lingerie lingering in the background. The socks, being smaller needles and gauge, are harder on my neck, so it's much easier to pantknit. 

Under the socks you see a bit of the blanket I knitted for Handsome Partner long ago, still in use. The cats used to love this one, warm and fuzzy, and I still check for cats when I throw it off, force of habit.

And I found a large bag of carrots in the freezer, also some cooked butternut squash, so I made a pot of soup, enough for about six meals.  It's still soup weather. Sprig of curry leaves for extra flavor.

Northern Exposure is still going, and other people seem to be revisiting it, too, holds on it, so I can't renew. A couple of episodes after dinner, with hot chocolate, are just the ticket.

And I was reminded, by an internet friend yesterday,  of Bob Newhart's early stand-up, still funny after decades. I found some on YouTube. It's worth checking out. This was long before his TV series, which I think didn't really use his talent.

I have favorite routines, this one, the guard in his first night on the job at the Empire State building, when King Kong climbs it, trying to scare him away with a broom..

I'm told that in Danish, it's Kong King, because King in Danish is Kong. But don't ask me, I only blog here, and it might be Swedish.

Happy day everyone, find something to amuse you today, if possible, stressful times. Cleaners here today, so I'll be out on errands.


  1. Soup is on our menu again too. Yours sounds delicious! Love those extra meals one has with a pot of soup.

    1. It's satisfying to know you have food ready to heat, on days when you don't feel like cooking.

  2. King is definitely Kong in Scandinavian languages (The King / Kongen), but I didn't know that about King Kong (or had never stopped to think about it.) I used to watch movies when I loved in Denmark - listen to the English sound track and read the Danish subtitles. Some of the translation missed the jokes (dry humour or irony) and sometimes I would be the only person in the theatre laughing!

    1. Subtitles can only go so far! If they're at least in recognizable language, it's a plus.

  3. The soup looks great. I have always adored Bob Newhart, since I was introduced to him at the age of 9 (or rather, introduced to his comedy) by our border who had a large record of comedy records that he was generous in sharing. That's a terrific routine. I love all his stuff and his TV shows captured his kind of humor perfectly!

  4. Definitely soup sounds good. I used to love Newhart too. Will check out his YouTube videos! Laughter is as health promoting as that soup!

  5. I haven't been watching any TV lately. it's always on because the husband likes the background noise but it rarely attracts my attention. cold nights and mornings here but afternoons are warming up.

    1. I haven't had tv for 12 years so I have no idea what's on.

  6. I agree, Bob Newhart's standup was hilarious!

    1. It's so welcome now, too, as an antidote to modern harsher comedy.

  7. I always loved Newhart's aridly dry humor.

    1. He's the perfect accountant turned stand-up.

  8. I, too, really like Bob Newhart. Perfect timing. One afternoon of cooking gives you several nutritious meals, you've got to love that!

    1. Yrs, cooking for one means not cooking daily. I like it but there are other things to do .

  9. Yes. I Norwegian Kong is also King. My husband is descended from Norwegian kings (centuries ago and with nothing to show for it) and one of my Norwegian-by-birth colleagues called him Kong. And now I’m off to find Bob Newhart. I love his humor.

  10. I thought he was Spanish. Maybe that too. Sorry there's no crown or castle or gold coach, that's too bad.

    1. Going over the centuries, he’s a lot of things. But his mother’s parents were both from Norway so those ancestors are fairly pure. The other half is mostly English, Scottish, German, and Spanish (but the most recent Spanish he knows about is from around 800 years ago I think)!

    2. Such interesting genealogy. Amazing to have traced it so far back.

  11. Replies
    1. The soup is definitely a meal. Very substantial.

  12. Your soup looks very nice indeed. I love pumpkin soup with carrots, or potatoes doesn’t really matter. Sometimes I’ll add some curry past to it, along with coconut and make it a tad spicey. Just to keep it from becoming boring. Hubby isn’t really a soup man. It’s taken me years to convince him soup can be a meal

    1. This soup had paprika, cayenne, cumin and nutmeg. Spicy enough to be interesting.

  13. I like your phrase "it's still soup weather". Indeed, soup is the ideal dish for the winter months.

    1. I like soup enough to claim a lot of weather is soup weather!

  14. Soup sounds lovely and the socks are coming right along.
    I do love Bob Newhart I will look those up

  15. I can only remember Newhart's sketch with him talking over the phone about cigarettes and smoking. It was so funny.

    1. He did a lot of standup using the phone where the audience fills in the other side of the dialogue. Great concept.

  16. The Newhart show set in Vermont was a nice relaxing time for laughs.
    Northern Exposure has much the same vibe as the NewHart comedies.

    1. That's an interesting observation. I hadn't put them together that way. They're both kind humor though, yes.

  17. We re-watched the first few seasons of the Bob Newhart Show over the past few months. I enjoyed it but it's not as good as I remember! Marcia Wallace as Carol always stole the show. Newhart's earlier comedy IS funny. He's about 96 now, I think.

    1. I don't think that show held up at all. But his standup has. And Carol carried the show, yes.

  18. Thanks for the suggestion, it is a veggie curry day here.

  19. The socks look lovely - I like the yarn colours. I've been busy knitting hats using double strands of yarn trying (in vain) to use up my stash of partial balls. Odd to note that the bag of yarns isn't dwindling at all despite my casting on for the 11th hat tonight. I'm sure the darned stuff multiplies!


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