Monday, April 24, 2023

Scarves, socks, supplies and soup

Today I finished the scarf, and here it is.

Now I'm planning the next. That was a good piece of learning. And today, using Joanne's family darning mushroom, I repaired my  sock, which had developed a hole around  the toe

Fairly wobbly darn, which became invisible when I put the sock on.

Meanwhile, since the weaving isn't portable, I started a new pair of socks for the Ministry, so as to have something to bring to the knitting group.

Then I had to sort out yarn, to find washable wool for the next ministry scarf. 

This looks like a good supply, but, reading heaps left to right

In the box are miscellaneous small unlabeled amounts which I can't use for ministry knitting, don't know if they are machine washable.

Next cotton remnants, socks okay, maybe another pair, scarves no, not warm enough.

Next a small supply of super wash, which can be socks or scarves, good. Next definitely not, hand wash, dry flat is for my use only, can't expect anyone else to do it.

And that's about it. As you see, I'm eking out the black yarn in stripes because I have a good supply of the (terminally boring) grey, but not much black.

So that's where we are.  Next parcel to Sister M. will be the scarf, which to my surprise, is nice enough to give, and two pairs of socks.

Yesterday I also finished

And recommend it as a well written, passionate auto, written with a ghost, they all are, but with a genuineness about it and great narrative ability. I've heard part of the audiobook version read by him, and his narratives talent really shines.

It's sad to read his struggles, despite the seemingly golden good fortune of birth and wealth, quite a bit of which is illusory.  The endless pursuit by the gutter press which printed literally thousands of slanderous articles and hundreds of books, none with permission, from the moment his mother died, when he was 12, is stunning.  

Then on to the savage press coverage of his biracial son's birth, with images and descriptions that I wouldn't repeat, so vile.  The scurrilous articles about Meghan can't be repeated here.

And his father cancelling his sll important security detail, while another source leaked his location, it's all so House of Cards, it's stunning.  

In the 24 hours after the news broke that he but not Meghan would attend the coronation, one single newspaper rushed out over 30 articles attacking her. One paper. 24 hours.  This is on top of six years of non-stop spying and hundreds of unauthorized books , thousands of unauthorized articles.

I think one Netflix show, one Winfrey interview and one book, are a very mild and courteous response on his part. He doesn't criticize his relatives, just relates his puzzlement over their actions and words. He criticizes the media. 

I'm glad he not only has established safety in the US but has made the press and the family who colludes with them, grasp they've taken on the wrong people. 

He's probably the most capable and intelligent of his family,  and has a great partnership with a strong woman. That's the good part. It's a long but readable book.

Here's the immediate supply

by the stove, left olive, right avocado. You can see color differences. 

The main supply is kept in a cooler place, behind a closed cabinet door, light not being very good for oil. They come in dark glass bottles, too.

While we're in the kitchen, here's lunch

Red lentil flatbread with cream of butternut squash, carrot and sweet potato soup. 

The garnish is lemon balm, which I think is in the mint family. It grows to world domination, but is a great lemon flavor for all kinds of food, such as lemon chicken, lemonade, any place you want the flavor of lemons.

Happy day everyone, enjoy your weaving, whatever form it takes!


  1. Your scarf turned out great! It looks lovely.

  2. I LOVE the scarf! Nobody would guess its story. Looks like a pro job.

    1. I guess I won't attach an account of the stumbles leading up to it!

  3. I fear for Harry. Hopefully, he doesn't end up like his late mother hunted by the paparazzi. Their tragedy is that they didn't realize they could not behave like ordinary people. They belong to the Royal family, funded by the British people, and as such they are expected to follow certain rules. I suppose , according to the Brits, Harry should have married an english girl, not an american divorcee.

    1. All the English girls he dated were terrorized by paparazzi, one to the point of taking her own life. I think he'll be fine in the US. He's succeeding with his Foundation and the Invictus games. it's seven years since he had anything from the taxpayers. In fact he had Meghan are owed several million pounds for renovations they financed on the house they were locked out of. They're in talks right now go be repaid. And he pays for their security detail when they're in the UK.

      I think he's chosen well!

  4. The scarf if lovely. Definitely my kind of colours. I’m sure someone will feel very lucky to wear it.

  5. I'm in the pro-Harry camp and I'm glad he's here; I hope they can make it work. I'd love to see reconciliation of a sort. I doubt it will ever be the way it was before -- you can't go back and unsay things and they are real to him; he shouldn't. It took guts to do what he did.

  6. I have to tell you that I think your scarf is stunning. Really.
    I haven't read that book yet but I want to. I'd really like to listen to the audio version. I find that listening to a memoir narrated by the person whose life is being discussed really makes a huge difference to me.
    Hmmmm... You've just reminded me that I haven't listened to Keith Richards' "Life" in a very long time. He doesn't narrate all of it but enough.
    I am thinking now I need to buy some avocado oil. Meanwhile, I shall go slice up an avocado to eat with our silly yet comforting vegetarian tamale pie which is in the oven now.

    1. That sounds like a nice meal.

      I think you'll like the sound of Harry's voice. It's a long book, so probably a long listen.

  7. The scarf is lovely. I can't wait to get back to weaving when things have settled down here.
    Your soup has inspired me to go and pick a pumpkin and make soup for dinner.

    1. Nothing like seeing someone else's weaving to make you want to do some! You were quite right, it did look better once finished.

  8. Thank you for so much. The scarf is lovely and will be treasured. Thank you for giving me the descriptor of the taste of avocado: "green." I have never appreciated the taste of avocado, but never knew how to describe it. "Green" is perfect.
    And thank you for the review of "Spare". I agree totally. The couple and their children have been racially maligned almost from the first. I believe in this country the courts would have filed injunctions to halt it all.

    1. You'll be glad to know that one of their most vicious online attackers lives in Dubai, where her attacks are illegal and she's up on criminal charges. It carries a prison sentence. So we'll see. I think the more legal cases these people, including the media lose, the less they'll be inclined to attack. I'd hope so.

  9. Remember that beautiful orange fungus I found on downed trees a while back, that we couldn't identify? It's probably an orange slime mold fungus, found on trees with woodpecker damage, where sap has been colonized by the organism. So now we know. There are active woodpeckers in the trees where I found it.

  10. Lovely scarf
    Nice review. It is refreshing to read something positive. I think they both are treated unfairly.
    However, the Oprah interview was a disaster.
    It was impossible to not form a negative impression of Meghan. Being asked how a pregnant mother will feel about her baby's looks is a well known common question. When I was asked, I was never offended or thought of it as racist. People learn through asking.

  11. Mm, squash soup, yummy. And that beautiful scarf looks amazing.
    I'm just watching the Harry and Meghan Netflix series. They come across as genuine. I've not read the book but I may order it from the library - no doubt a huge waiting list.

    1. I waited months for Spare. But I'd say it's worth the wait. I don't have Netflix so I don't know about the series.

  12. good job on the scarf. it really turned out well. and the darning which I do not know how to do, just wear socks with holes in them.

    1. These socks were hand knitted from Shepherd Susie handspun yarn, so they were worth darning.

  13. I am not at all surprised how well that scarf turned out. You strike me as quite capable.I'm still on the waiting list for Spare.

    1. Well, after all the earlier mishaps, I was!

  14. I had never heard the term, darning mushroom, but my mother had one. It was back.

    The royal family is odd, as is the whole royal life, mainly because of the gutter press, I suppose.

    1. About the royals, centuries of inbreeding have consequences. Which you see in their poor grasp of situations, temperamental swings and other issues.

  15. The scarf looks great; a 'style' item (fashions come and go but style is eternal).

    1. Thank you! That's a great idea to remember.

  16. The scarf turned out wonderfully - well done! And thank you for the book review. Based on that I will be putting my name on the hold list at the library. I feel sorry for Harry and the terrible life he's had to lead. Living in a constant spotlight and criticized for every single thing you do must be hell.

    1. I think he's coming out on too though. He's establishing his family as people not to mess with.


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