Saturday, April 22, 2023

Happy Earth Day


I remember when Gaylord Nelson, Democrat of Wisconsin in the 70s,  organized the first teach-ins about the earth, which developed into Earth Day. 

We took it very seriously having observed the near extinction in this region of the iconic bald eagle, as well as many other less spectacular species. We did save the eagle and the osprey, but we need to take care of Gaia to preserve our remaining species.

Meanwhile let's enjoy her and admire things like this ancient b and w spread from my family dictionary from 1935

I used to read this dictionary all the time as a kid, and it's the only thing I inherited from my parents. And it's enough.

Then there's

Then locally out and about, daffodils have done their job, so now it's dogwood

And here's the little gnome, reunited with his umbrella and installed among the tulips.

Food is happening, too, so here's my latest flatbread, red lentil.

I put the lentils to soak in water overnight, rinsed them today, minced in garlic and fine seasalt, added a bit of water, then blended them to a nice consistency for flatbread.

It made a lot of batter, so there's a container of it in the freezer, too, now.

So here's today's lunch, the rest of the chickpea tuna salad, with the avocado oil, heated, with a lentil flatbread. Garnished with fresh sage.

You need flatbread here because the salad dressing is too good not to mop up. 

And if you can't stand fiddling away with the puzzle any longer, it's been going forever because it's 


Some people were right on it. And I added to the entertainment by being too dense to pick up some clues and answering them solemnly! I guess there's worse things than providing what G and S would call innocent merriment.

Happy day everyone, Earth too. 


  1. I wish I thought that the earth was actually a "happy earth" but I do not think it is. I guess I celebrated by watering the garden, picking peas and lettuce. And it is a beautiful day here. I hope you are having one too.

    1. I don't think anyone thinks the earth is happy. But we can still wish each other a happy day, and do what we can to give our tiny bit of earth a happy day. So that's what I plan.

  2. I like watching clouds. I well remember the first Earth Day. It felt like a big deal. I think I'd like that flat bread.

    1. It was a big deal! We still need to keep on. Pressure on polluting companies is even more important than individual efforts, too.

  3. Wow. Another person who read the dictionary for fun as a kid! I did the same amd people would look at me funny if I admitted it. Happy Earth Day!

    1. Yes! Were you also accused of talking like a dictionary? Too funny.

  4. In art yesterday we were painting the background of our next masterpiece and of course that means the sky and clouds. Hubby and I did a big day trip after class and all day I was studying the sky. I’ll study your pics as well. Just so I can get it right. Happy earth day

    1. I have favorite cloud formations such as mare's tail. It's a lovely study. Today we had high winds and the clouds were galloping across the sky.

  5. I love old B & W books from days past. I have one from the '30s somewhere teaching women how to be, well, women! Or more to the point - ladies.

  6. When I was a child, one fantasy was to read the dictionary from cover to cover. Of course it would never happen, but I did discover very interesting sections, such as explanation of tenses, which stood me in good stead.

    1. I think it's a great idea to have a dictionary just lying around. I often read bits in passing.

  7. I saw an article about the bald eagle here on the island. Over the last thirty years, we’ve gone from 2 nests to over 60 now. An incredible recovery!

    1. That's great to hear. In NJ they've been removed from the endangered list. Largely due to banning DDT.

  8. When you mentioned reading the dictionary, I was reminded of Mom buying encyclopedias at the grocery store. I think I was 9 or 10, and we sat and read the first volume or two for a few hours that afternoon.

    1. There was a big encyclopedia push for a few years. We had a complete set plus the bookcase they came with!

  9. The Earth needs all the help it can get! Probably more than a day's worth.

    I had a set of encyclopedias that I LOVED as a child and kept until I was well into my 40s. I only discarded them when we moved to England! And I kind of wish I still had them, even though a lot of the information was woefully out of date.

    1. Well with your London gardening and plant rescue, you're doing your bit. Also walking a lot, including to work.

  10. well, I see I only got one of the clues. didn't notice that the ete moved position from back to front. I used to do Earth Day posts but haven't for a few years now. I'd spend the day outside nurturing the earth today but it's raining.

  11. Talking about dictionaries - I remember as a child in school the teacher telling us to look up words and it was a race to see who could find them first. I often won because I could spell. I remember really wanting a set of encyclopedias which of course we couldn't afford.


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