Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter, or just Sunday

 Happy Easter if you celebrate, and I do

For me it's not religious, since I don't practice any religion. But it's about culture and heritage, so I celebrate. I notice the historical /religious trappings without judging people who take them seriously, and we do it our way.

The weather is more wintry than springy

But we enjoyed our Easter dinner, no pictures because I was busy cooking and serving and in the middle of it, Gary showed up with containers to return that had had various good things I'd baked in them. 

He spotted handsome Son, greeted him and went away. He could hardly have guessed it was Easter dinner day, wrong day.

The ginger scallion sauce went over well and we decided it would be great with fish, maybe ham. But since I have cod in the freezer, I think that's going to be a pair.

The chicken was so well received that there are only scraps left, for a pita bread lunch today, filled with chicken and scalloped potatoes, broccoli and carrots. And there will be chicken soup. Of course.

A Gary visit happened while we were having Christmas dinner in mid January, too, same visit in the midst! 

I joked that he'd be back after Handsome Son left aaaaannddd, he was!!

With these, 

which I've put on Freecycle without much hope of a taker, considering recent events.

I texted handsome Son and he said no, say it's not another Barbie setup? Your house is going to look like a showroom. 

There's an endless source of entertainment with a neighbor like G. He's a lovely guy and I'm helping him find a program he can donate good suits to, for guys needing to look sharp while job hunting. He's retired and doesn't have a dress-up life now. He seems to be winnowing, too.

I did give him a program and a church/social action related neighbor to contact. He's always been a high earner and a great dresser, so someone's going to be lucky.

I did likewise years ago with the office -type wool and linen skirt suits I wore for presentations and events back in the day.  

The church/ social agency-affiliated thrift store I donated to instantly called a client my size. She was in urgent need of good interview clothes for jobs a step up from her current work. I asked them to keep the price as low as possible for her, which they agreed to do. 

Today I'm a bit creaky and tired with recent activity, so I'm going to loaf and listen to my latest audiobook mystery series

Offered free on YouTube by the author, who recorded a video intro to this one. They're entertaining stuff, mysteries on a cruise ship, different setting from the usual.  

Rachel is a terrific character, a police officer off duty on the cruise but able, karate black belt, to fight off bad armed guys in unarmed combat, yay! I seem to be quite militant today, one thing and another .

Happy day everyone, enjoy whatever your day is, live long and prosper!! Do the Spock hand signal. 


  1. We are also non-religious. Aside from pies and maybe a bit of extra chocolate, we don’t particularly celebrate. But it’s here and it’s getting more spring-like.

    1. Pie and chocolate sound like celebration to me.

  2. Gary is a wonderful neighbour and he is lucky to have you too!

  3. Just another day to me. one of those I call 'free days' since everyone around me is spending it with whatever obligation they attach to the holiday while I have none.

  4. Same as Ellen, just a quiet day. I think you and Gary were fated to be neighbors. It's a good feeling when a meal spent time on preparing turns out a success.

    1. I'm doing very little today, after a hectic couple of days. Funny to think the universe arranged for him to move in next door! I was happy all went well, and surprised that the sauce was also well received.

  5. I have ended up not having the gathering here. I am just wrung out from yesterday's stomach pains. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going to have to go to the doctor.
    My children have taken on the get-together themselves and it will be happening at Jessie's house. I sent all the food I'd made over with Glen. I feel a bit guilty but I just...can't.
    And our weather is gray and chilly which is quite a shock, really.
    I love your Gary stories.

    1. I'm so sorry you had to skip hosting. But yes, please get it checked out. It can't be your appendix, that's gone already! And Gary does make good copy.

  6. Happy Easter
    Oh my, it has been ages since I seen the word loaf used. Mother's favorite...going to loaf around...stop loaffing around, he's been loafing around. It is such a gentle comfort word. I think I will start using it again.

    1. I like it. Yes, I guess It's old fashioned, come to think about it.

  7. Happy Easter! Why doesn't Gary just take his stuff to Goodwill? Is he afraid they'll toss it? I tend to Freecycle things that I think will be unappreciated or undervalued at a thrift store, so I get that, if that's the reason.

    1. He has his reasons, but I don't think it's for me to say here. Anyway, I do it gladly.

  8. Sounds like a lovely day. You deserve a rest.
    Easter Monday here now and it’s cold. So I’ll be working on my blanket in front of the fire all day. Rest day all round

    1. Chilly here too, though sunny. I've done very little.

  9. Easter is important to my youngest daughter, so the immediate family crowded into her tiny house for a lovely dinner.

    1. That sounds lovely. People can sit anywhere, space doesn't matter!

  10. As Angela said, it is cold here. I am glad you had a lovely Easter dinner with Handsome Son. Gary must appreciate having you as a neighbour.

    1. The feeling's mutual about good neighbors. I did enjoy our Easter dinner celebration.

  11. Despite your misgivings we are prepared to wager that someone would swoop on the freecycled toy firearms. We finally built some bricks into the foundations of good relations with new neighbours. We both arrived here at the same time end of last year and seem to have been buried each in our own projects but Easter provided an opportunity to chat through the gap a storm made in the common fence. Xxx Mr T

    1. That sounds so English -- the fence blew down so we talked with the neighbors! Up to now, no takers for Barbie or guns.

  12. Sounds like you had a great day! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

  13. Happy (albeit I guess now belated) Easter wishes to you and Handsome Son (Gary too).
    It's wonderful that Gary is wanting to donate his good clothes to someone who can hopefully use them for job interviews.

    1. That's the influence of boud in his life! Never occurred to him before he knew me and observed all the donating firsthand. But it's great to see.

  14. I hope your weekend was lovely. Ginger scallion sauce? Oh, I'm definitely all for that!


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