Friday, April 21, 2023

Eid and knitting

To everyone who observed Ramadan, and are celebrating the end, Eid

Happy Eid. So the confluence of the three Abrahamic religions is complete for this year. It was unusual for Passover, Easter and Ramadan all to coincide.

And knitting group today produced the usual range of conversation, weather, neighbors, the surplus of white yarn in the library stash and how to use it up for kids' crafts. On that topic, if anyone here has an idea, I'll pass it on to the appropriate librarian.

And here's a cotton towel in progress

And a crocheted baby blanket, almost finished, the edge here nearly done.

Always like to give a shout-out to crochet, after a lot of emphasis on knitting, since several of us do both.

Short entry today, except did I mention that I used the last of the ginger scallion avocado oil sauce to make a tuna salad, stuffed into a pita bread with spinach? Really good. 

I never had avocado oil before so I'm seeing how it works. Heavier than the olive oil, but a higher smoking point, good for cooking. Any tips by blogistas who know more than I, which wouldn't be hard, are welcome.

Happy day everyone, knit on! 


  1. I would wear that variegated sweater in a heartbeat. Lovely arrangement of colors and knitting pattern.

  2. I've never used avocado oil either. Your tuna salad does sound divine, though.

    1. I was counting on you to have used it! Anyway it did make a good tuna salad with the ginger and scallions.

  3. Perhaps the kids could play with dye, and perhaps weaving, to use the yarn? The cotton towel is lovely - would be a shame to actually use it on a daily basis!

    1. Alas, it's acrylic, so they're stuck with white. I'll pass on the weaving idea. I did suggest stick weaving using straws. I don't know the destination of the towel, bathroom or kitchen, but I think it will be used.

  4. Oh is the cotton towel for the kitchen or bathroom. I have lots of cotton and would love to make some towels.
    White yarn I think could be used with scraps of colours to make the lovely’s that small children love to cuddle. They usually have the head of an animal, like a bunny and then the small blanket is attached to it. Pinterest is full of ideas for them

    1. I will pass on the idea, but can young children make them? That's the plan, to have young children able to use the materials.

      You could just plunge in and make towels. Meg designed as she went.

  5. I came across Eid today. I don't think I had heard that word before.

  6. I realised I saw the E as an S in the puzzle. Sometimes I think my ability to misread things will go on forever!
    Depending on how young the children are could they make pompoms? They could then stick eyes on to make faces or string them together for caterpillars.

    1. I think the pom-pom idea is one they're considering. Ty! Take another run at the puzzle.

  7. Yes, very good smoke point. That's what I use as well. Works great.

    1. Dp you have any favorite recipes using it?

  8. Yes, great smoke point. That's what I use as well. Works great.

  9. That would be super good with tuna. I love your knitting piece.

    1. That's another participant. I didn't feature my current unexciting sock.

  10. I like the taste of the avocado oil in salad dressing.

    1. I agree, the tuna salad was better than with olive oil, my usual one.

  11. Oh, the feasting and celebrations that are going on in the Muslim community today! I hope everyone enjoys themselves!

    1. I think they've earned it. Ramadan is rugged.

  12. Replies
    1. I think she intends to use it, not too pretty to use. She's practical.

  13. I did some crocheting in my teens but not so much as an adult. don't have the time. when I sit finally in the evenings I like to read.

    1. I think textile interests come and go. There are times they fit into your life better.

  14. I use avocado oil and grape seed oil, as well olive oil. Avocado oil, at least for me, is interchangeable with oil oil. As mentioned, it makes a good salad dressing, I've used it to make pesto, whatever you may use olive oil for you can use avocado oil.

    1. Thank you, that's helpful. I'd wondered if it was interchangeable.

  15. I use avocado oil for anything - cooked or uncooked - where I'd rather not include the flavor of olive oil. It's my current favorite for frying eggs. Speaking of which, I wish you lived close enough to me that I could provide you with fresh organic little flock is having a very productive Spring :)

    1. Thanks for the avocado oil feedback. And I wish I lived closer, for a number of reasons, now with eggs added in! I agree about choosing when and when not to have the flavor of olive oil.


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