Saturday, April 8, 2023

Much ado about Barbie

So there were quite a few calls and visits from Gary about the Barbie playset I was rehoming for him. Turns out there was another piece which was at his daughter's house but he was going there anyway to take granddaughter home, so he'd pick it up, Thursday afternoon.

He forgot, I could have put money on that, but never mind, another young relative was coming to our neighborhood to visit another family Friday, and would bring the piece with him. Definitely early morning.

By mid afternoon the small piece on the left arrived. More calls and visits, and neither of us could figure out where it fitted. At one point I tried to move the whole set-up which was in the way of my setting the table for today's dinner, and it fell into many pieces.

Gary rebuilt it, then tried to FaceTime granddaughter for directions on how to attach the new bit. Two hours later after she woke from her afternoon nap, they conferred, to no avail 

By now it was early evening, and I'd been trying to cook for today among all this uproar,  when he finally said well whoever wants it can figure out how to add this piece. 

Meanwhile he had dinner to share with me. Another long story, sick neighbor's inlaw visiting, made chicken cheese meal, too much, shared with Gary, still too much, he would share with me. 

An hour or so later he showed up with a large piece of chicken, then another visit and a microwave packet of rice to go with. He would return for his share, but first he had to shop..

I had my share, wrapped his and he stopped in later and collected his share.

This had occupied all day ..and I found myself consulting this

The chicken and rice were good, and the rest of the evening peaceful. But G is a force of nature and all my suggestions that this effort wasn't necessary were waved off.  Full perseverative flight.

Meanwhile here's a puzzle for your weekend pleasure

And, this being Holy Saturday, I'm looking toward the first light of Easter, happy day everyone, whatever you're looking forward to

Photo AC 


  1. I thought you were going to be talking about the new Barbie movie coming out soon, LOL! If you haven't seen the trailer, here's a link. It looks like a hilarious spoof!

  2. That appears to be an awful lot of trouble for a Barbie play set which is about to be re-homed. And more than a little trouble for some chicken and rice!
    Well, some days are like that.

  3. I think I'd have fallen back to let whoever wants it figure it out much sooner. did someone finally come get it? I hope you have a nice Easter.

    1. I wanted that fallback from the start. It was too late to put it on freecycle by the time it was done, so people are maybe seeing it today. If no takers, it's a trip to the thriftie!

  4. What I am looking forward to is pies. But we will be picking them up at a church. So Happy Easter to us. 😇

  5. You had a busy day! I hope the meal was a good one, and I know the answer to the puzzle. Can you believe it?

    1. The meal is happening today, so I'm hopeful too. Well done on the puzzle!

  6. I had the same thought as Gary -- whoever takes the Barbie house can figure out where that piece goes! Seems a small price to pay!

    1. That was my idea from the outset but he insisted, for hours, he would do it! I was glad he ended up conceding the fun to someone else.

  7. What a day!
    Happy Easter
    Hugs from May
    aka Salty Pumpkin
    too lazy to sign into my gmail account.

  8. I agree with your son. Whoever wants it can figure it out
    How lovely you all shared a meal. That’s the true meaning of Easter

    1. This was the neighbor, Gary. No relation. He took several hours to get to agree with me that it was okay to let the taker figure it out. That's why it was a long day, his resistance to my suggestion.

    2. Not sure about sharing -- it was more distribution! Eaten in three different houses, too funny! Today handsome son and I dined together for Easter. I know, it's confusing.

  9. I've edited the post to explain better that all this activity was despite my repeated suggestions that this was not necessary! After wasting most of my day, he finally conceded. I don't think much credit ought to go to him, much as I love the guy.

  10. I smiled listening to your Barbie adventures. I guess that toy has a lot of “play” value?

    1. It certainly used up a day for a couple of adults!

  11. Sorry you had what seems a frustrating day. For me, art and investments make the case for a happy holiday weekend!

  12. Thank you for the mind map. I, the Tigger, might redesign it slightly,. I need to be in control of what happens around me - especially the human activity. Xxx Mr T

    1. A cat map would be quite different. I don't think there'd be anything out of your control

  13. I've seen people use Barbie houses as the base for some pretty amazing miniature houses - namely Halloween-themed. Amazing what some paint and imagination will do.
    Sounds like it's a good thing you can be flexible with your plans for the day.

    1. Interesting idea to adapt these things. This one's like a big two dimensional stage set. It's huge.

      About the day -- only for Gary!


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