Monday, March 6, 2023

Lizzie Ryder's birthday, what St Patrick saw, meat and gloves.

Today would have been my mom's 128th birthday. I used to give her daffodils each year from the florist shop round the corner, as a kid, half a crown, I'd save up for them. Happy birthday Mom!

And, she being the daughter of an Irish woman, here's a bit of ancient Ireland which St Patrick might very well have seen.

Interesting discussion at the knitting group last week which I was reminded of while I was thinking what to cook today. The Together cookbook has a lot of meat recipes which I'm reading for adaptation ideas.

I don't eat red meat, meaning beef, pork, veal, game animals, other than very occasional ham. So I say I don't eat meat. I do eat poultry, turkey and chicken, and that's a different category of food. I'm not vegetarian.

You see listings in cookbooks with chapters on meat separately from chapters on poultry. One's mammal, one's oviparous.

But one of the knitting group was indignant because her family had eaten out, checked if the soup had meat, were assured no meat. 

Then on tasting it, the vegetarian in the group said this isn't vegetarian, tastes of meat. Asked again and the server said, yes, chicken, not meat! 

I think they got a correct answer but may have asked the wrong question. In their defense, though their English is native fluent, it's their second language, so nuances sometimes escape them. Interesting etymological discussion ensued.

Yesterday the first glove ensued from yesterday's picture

The yarn, Koigu hand-painted, gives nice stitch definition and when I get the second one done, my current pair I knitted long ago from homespun yarn, can go  in the laundry, high time.

I wear them in the house because they keep my hands from cramping, old hands get cold faster even indoors. 

Yesterday's winnowing was fabric pieces

and they have a request already on Freecycle.

Happy day everyone, enjoy your food however you classify it. Oh, and you knew the puzzle answer was


Yes? and ending with a shout-out for Mom's daffodils 


  1. I really never gave a thought to poultry not being meat, but now that you bring it up I get it. My DIL used to be a pescatarian, a vegetarian that eats fish and sea food. Now she is a vegan. Happy memories of your moms 128th birthday.

    1. I think a lot of food terms are niche, but it pays to know what you're asking about.

  2. Those gloves are perfect in all regards!
    And happy birthday to your mother! I used to give my mother flowers on her birthday (May 1) when I was a child. I would get up early and go outside to pick them.
    As to the "is chicken meat?" question- I have to say I think it is. Technically, I think that fish is too but of course one who eats fish but neither chicken nor mammal is a pescatarian. There are many dietary choice divisions made on the basis of health and the environment, for example, but if one avoids "meat" because it involves the death of a living being, then discovering that there is chicken in something one has eaten could be very disturbing.

  3. I agree that it can be disturbing to find you've inadvertently eaten food you have a moral objection to. If you eat out, I think it's on you to be sure of what you're ordering.

  4. Those gloves are very pretty. I wear the ones you gave me indoors too.

    1. They work fine indoors. Unless I forget I'm wearing them and plunge my hands into water.

  5. To me, chicken is meat. I'd be upset if I were those vegetarians too.

  6. Happy heavenly birthday to your mum.
    If it used to walk it’s meat I say. But I’m no scientist.
    As I get older my love of read meat is waning. I now prefer chicken and the other white meat pork funnily enough. The gloves look very warm indeed

    1. I haven't eaten red meat in decades. It began not to suit me, so I avoid it. I like your definition of meat!

  7. I should try knitting those gloves for Himself. His hands cramp up terribly. Is there a pattern? I should probably just google it!!
    Flower and mothers - always go together in our memories.

    1. I got this years ago from the website march 2008 Mmmalabri-glovies. Try that. It's an easy pattern. I changed it from the original which I thought was too short at the wrist.

    2. I just tested it, found it on page one, top left, 75 yard malabrigo

    3. For me it came up with knitting patterns. Try again?

  8. That yarn blended together very well. I like it.
    Interesting, our take on meat. I began going off meat years ago, the reds through the browns, then chicken and finally, fish. I have one vegetarian granddaughter, not by any prompting of mine. I've picked up on all kinds of fish, here at IL. Salmon, etc. I don't enjoy shell fish again, or shrimp. Too "rich".

    1. I think we need different foods at different ages, as our digestion suggests. It's good to listen i never grew up eating much meat, certainly never decent quality meat, so it's not so surprising I let it go.

  9. My Iraqi friend served a delicious lunch to our mutual Russian and Nepalese friends and me. Karuna from Nepal took a bite of one dish and asked "Is there beef in this?" When answered "Yes", she politely set it aside and enjoyed the rest of the meal (she told me later that this was the first time she had ever tasted beef). Later I had to explain to Ahlam that Karuna could eat pork, lamb, chicken, fish, etc - just not beef. So yes - "meat" can be fraught.

    That glove is a beautiful incarnation of that yarn. It will be a beautiful and cozy pair.

    Happy 128th birthday to your mum, with daffodil thoughts.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes, meat, however defined, has been imbued with all kinds of significance. When you're ordering or hosting, better check.

  10. Beautiful gloves. I'm with your knitting lady: chicken is meat!

  11. Oddly,I was just thinking of my mother with her birthday coming up in a few months. She would be 108 if I have remembered her birth year correctly.

    I have never distinguished between meat and poultry, Philistine that I am.

    1. I think a lot of people haven't made that distinction, AC.

  12. I always remember my mom's birthdays too. She would be 104 this May. And I love those wonderful handwarmers.

    1. Yes, it continues to be her birthday, even long after she's gone.

  13. Happy Birth Day in heaven to your lovely Mom. I can see that daffodils have enjoyed a long history in your family. I am actually making a note to hopefully get some bulbs in the fall and plant them on our parents graves. It would be lovely if they came up year after year.
    We don't go out of our way to eat red meat (didn't know until you enlightened me that there was a difference) but it comes down to the cost factor for us. We do buy hamburger to make into soups but a little goes a long way.

    1. Yes, do plant for your parents. Daffodils are easy care, last practically forever, and they're beautiful. Squirrels won't eat them, another good point.


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