Friday, March 31, 2023

Tfg indicted and other good things

 Finally an indictment, probably the first and least, with the Georgia AG and Jack Smith probably bringing more and bigger.


And so say all of us.

The loom has half dozen possible takers and will probably be gone by end of day.* It was never my choice, pushed on me, and I tried it. So the loom itself is no great loss. It never was my style, but I think you should try even counterintuitive forms.

*Update. Picked up shortly after 9 am. Swift action 

It's also not the best design out there. I notice that all the tutorial videos I've found are using different, better designed and user-friendlier looms. 

The Beka videos are about assembling it, and there's one, not very helpfully done one, on threading. Most of the action shows the back of the operator, his hands covering what he's doing, etc.  Anyway, I think I gave it many chances, so I'll weave other ways, on my other looms,  as I usually have. Another weaver can enjoy it.

However, I'm coming to terms with the current situation, regardless of the  equipment design,  and hopeful that this is only a small part of life going forward. This is a very small loss.  There's such a lot to enjoy.

This afternoon is the knitting group, so I'll be looking for great work there, also baby pictures from a member who recently went to see her baby granddaughter. 

Happy day everyone!  Warm Puppy to you.

Photo AC 


  1. Good riddance to the bloomin loomin. 🤪

  2. We live in interesting times! Equality under the law means something after all.

  3. I do love a good "Gurrll" meme.
    And the tiny accordeoniste has my heart.

    1. As soon as I saw him I thought, yes, that sums up my feelings about this!

  4. YES! Maybe there is a shred of hope.

    If you aren't enjoying something that is supposed to bring you joy, it's not worth doing. You gave it a good try. Bye, bye, loom.

    1. My reply to you appeared after Angela's comment posted. Blogger mystery.

  5. We can’t be good at everything. Imagine how big our craft rooms would have to be. I think that’s gods way of saying. You have enough to be getting on with lol
    Love the memes gurrrrlllll

  6. It's now with a happy new owner.

    1. This was addressed to Sandra, who knows how it ended up here.

  7. A happy day for all who love justice. May there be many more, and even better, to come.

  8. Good news but one wonders if he'll manage to slip (and bribe!) his way out of this one too. It was on our news here that he's taken to social media asking people to donate to his defense fund and no doubt he'll get millions.
    Give me warm puppy any day!!

    1. Hands down, or paws down, puppies over tfg.


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