Saturday, November 19, 2022

Tday is Monday

 It's official, to accommodate Handsome Son's schedule, Thanksgiving chez Boud will be celebrated Monday starting at noon.

So, let the cooking commence.

This is that chicken thing where you pound chicken breasts till your aggression is dissipated, then roll the sections up with ham and cheese, then in panko.  Then spoon over melted butter and sprinkle salt and pepper,  arrange artistically in the glass dish you just emptied from the recent lasagna caper.

Done. In the fridge now. Next cranberry sauce. Roasted potatoes will cook along with the chicken thing on the day. Stuffing that day, too, and reheat the squash dish.

Meanwhile before I tackle the dishes and continue peacefully reading my Lucia book, here's a puzzle. 

Remember to give clues, not the answer, in the comments. Don't give it away!  

Happy day everyone, what the heck is the name of the chicken thing I'm making??

Enjoy your day even if your memory's failing.


  1. Can't help with the chicken or the word - "useless in Suffolk"!

    1. Both are defeating me, too. Thanks for coming in, Sue, with or without answers.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Monday!

    Ugh in the 8 letter word. Not an easy one. I try to keep up with Wordle, and use the unlimited wordle. The 8 letters, I can tell right away is a step up from wordle, IMHO.

    1. It's one of those words you kick yourself for, once you get it. Took me ages and clues.

  3. Chicken Cordon Bleu? I think that's the name of the dish.
    I had to look it up.
    You are so smart to get everything ready beforehand.

    1. I think that's it, thank you! I don't have the energy to do it all on the day, so this is my answer.

  4. I think I know the answer, but I'm not supposed to say. :) Is you chicken dish a version of Chicken Kiev?

    1. Sandra, you remind me of the chicken Kiev my sister Joan made, which came out a bit ragged. She commented that it looked more like chicken Leningrad. After the siege.

    2. Sadly chicken Kiev would be a bit ragged right now.

  5. I'd eat that chicken thing no matter what it's called! Looks good! And I solved the puzzle too, but I don't know how to tell you without giving it away. Thanksgiving on a Monday is standard to us here in Canada; that's when our Thanksgiving is -- the first Monday in October.

    1. It's out of step with everyone in the US though! But we shall enjoy.

  6. This dish looks like the perfect thing I need to fill in the gap - can I pound the chicken with a normal hammer? Not only would that be satisfying but it is all that I have for pounding...

    1. You need something preferably wood, that won't shatter it. The side of a rolling pin would work. It the flat side of a tenderizing mallet. The hitting surface needs to be wide, otherwise you'll just probably pound holes in the meat. And you need to put a sheet of plastic or a plastic bag between hitter and chicken.

    2. I always use a rolling pin because I don't have a meat mallet. And parchment paper can be used instead of plastic, too, I find.

  7. Can I use a normal hammer to pound the chicken flat?

  8. I shall have to think on the puzzle. No idea at the moment. What I would like to know is how long you cook the chicken for. We had something similar last night and cremated it.
    And I saw your post as Today is Monday and thought no it's Sunday in Australia and you're a day behind and got very confused.

    1. Last time I made it was about 30 minutes at 380°f

  9. Replies
    1. Yes, and with the energy to enjoy it, always a big point.

  10. Replies
    1. Also there's ham in there. My late great Duncan would have been up on the counter, repeatedly, helping.

  11. Right, now I've worked out that Tday isn't a typo - very unusual for you - but Thanksgiving Day I understand.

    1. Yes, I think people did think well she can't spell today and anyway she's wrong because it's not Monday yet! T for Turkey, and Thanksgiving.

    2. Sorry, I had to cut short my comment as grandchildren arrived. Dinner sounds good. And I've got a word.

  12. Your early T-day dinner looks like it will be a good one. We also are having an early 🦃dinner at home on Sunday as we will be eating out on Thursday. I have no clue on the word puzzle, but will puzzle over it a bit longer.

    1. It's a common word. It took me ages though.

  13. I just realized I also have frozen mixed vegetables, in case we miss any veggies! I think there will be enough to eat tomorrow.

  14. Puzzle solved on second word. You shouldn't get all squinched up about it.

  15. I think I must be doing something wrong because I got the puzzle (or at least a word that fits!) first try. Dare I say it just popped into my head?

  16. Chicken Kiev gets my vote
    Looks good. I buy mine from frozen food section since I developed an aversion to handling raw meat. I can bake or boil chicken using a fork to lift it into pan.


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