Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Fourth, says nature

Nature is  great company. Big rainstorms last night, and everything's happy and washed. The maple tipped a leaf full of rain down my neck while I was focusing. Good morning to you too!

The daylily, the plant goes on for decades while each blossom lasts barely a day. You can see all stages in this picture. Descendants of my daylilies are in bloom all over the neighborhood. It's a natural parable.

Seeds gift of Quinn, the candy roaster squash

Japanese maple rescued from a neighbor
and flourishing

And, back among humans, doing my part toward a more perfect union. I'm finding that even small gestures supporting people of color, especially women, is proving to be significant.

I just found out yesterday that a tweet of mine,congratulations to a woman who'd just landed a significant public radio job (replacing a mediocre white man who had to be fired for inappropriate behavior) was very important to her.

 She's kept it as encouragement on tough days. She tweeted it again to say so. Just one little tweet from an old white lady she doesn't know from Eve.  One thing that mattered was that I wrote it immediately on seeing the announcement of her hire. The timing didn't escape her.

So you never know. My part at this point is to encourage and back up people whose lives continue to be a struggle, despite their obvious talent and fearless work ethic.

Just sayin'.  Rock on, blogistas. Stay safe. Stay well. Find stuff to love.


  1. I think your last sentence may be the most important. "Find stuff to love." I needed to hear that today.

  2. The last sentence leapt out at me also. Love your breadth of thought.

  3. Thank you both! I'm glad it's useful.

  4. You really don't know when something you say or do could be the uplift that someone desperately needs. 'Find stuff to love' should be a mantra for everyone.

  5. Yes, you really never know how much your words can affect a person. Or for how long. For good or ill. Words matter.

  6. I hope you and your garden had a happy Fourth. My beans are flourishing.


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