Tuesday, June 30, 2020

As near as makes no difference

Twice a year I have what we used to call Bad Food, for the holiday. Fourth of July and Labor Day.

 Meaning not really Bad,  only not made by me from scratch. Since it's as near the Fourth as makes no nevermind, I broke out for lunch.

Partly to celebrate a successful maintenance visit for the car -- that clanging alert and subsequent screen reminders constantly,  ended up being a zero cost visit.

 None of the $$ parts in the alert list needed replacement after all, tranny fluid good for a long time, etc. It came down from an estimated $250 to $zero after they checked it. 

So here's the early holiday lunch.

 Not actually Bad, not even Cheap. But really fun. Side glass of fresh strawberry banana honey milkshake.

Then downloaded a rattling good Joanne Fluke mystery for reading on the patio. Lovely cooler cloudy day. Sleeping may have happened, too.


  1. hot dogs are not on my menu. maybe once every ten years.

  2. It’s Canada Day here. Hot dogs with the grandkids for lunch!

    1. People with the right priorities! Happy Canada Day, all.

  3. Oh, how I love hotdogs! I probably eat them once every five years or so but I'd eat them weekly if it didn't make me feel so guilty. And with potato chips! Of course. Perfect.

    1. What we both eat regularly is much better food, but it's nice to break out once in a while.

  4. I am shocked, madame, shocked. Hot dogs and potato chips. tch tch tch.

    (actually it's what we had for supper last night but don't tell anyone)

    1. I'm really enjoying it. Once finished, it's done till labor day. Handsome Son made a point of buying equal numbers of rolls and dogs, to avoid the dreaded unequal syndrome.

    2. Took a leaf out of your bad food book and made Uncle Billie's toffee (Delia Smith) to celebrate Canada Day. My sweet tooth seems to have revived during this pandemic.

    3. I'd better check that out. I've been thinking toffee for a while.

  5. Hot dogs and potato chips - definitely decadent but oh so good, at least in limited amounts. Sometimes we just crave bad food and I think it's good for the soul.

  6. I'd have to go for other "Bad" foods. I really don't think hot dogs are food!


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