Saturday, June 20, 2020

Return to the thriftie

See all this space?

 Up to an hour ago, it was crammed with bags of donations to the thriftie. Which closed right after I loaded up, back in March. I'd had the old car loaded, but couldn't trust it to get me there and back after the Great Leaking started. So the stuff came back into the house, then into the new car, where it has been since early  March. It's a frequent flyer.

Anyway I noticed the thriftie pickup truck on the road which made me call and find, yes, they're open. When I got there,  there was even shopping going on. And the donation shed operating.

So I navigated traffic, major roads, and lived to tell the tale. Except when another alert, clang, flash, screen lit up, nearly sent me off the road again. Low tire pressure. Not a flat, just low. So I stopped at gas station on the way home, got air. But the alert remains. Never happy, this car. Bit of a drama queen if you ask me.


  1. Sometimes the computer needs to be reset for the light to go out. Don't ask me how that's done.

  2. It must feel good to be rid of the stuff but the car is a distraction.

    1. It's the last thing anyone needs at this time, another source of anxiety!

  3. too many lights, bells, and whistles on new cars.

  4. And this is one of the lower level models. It doesn't keep telling you about approaching vehicles or how much space between you and the car in front etc. I think a lot of the fancy alerts are solutions in search of a problem. It's not as if I'm falling asleep and needing a wake up clang and flash.

  5. Tire pressue light is a problem with it appears, lots of cars.
    A thrift store drop off is in my future.
    I heard here, we have to call to make an appointment.

    1. I won't say I wasn't tempted to pop in and shop..but I thought I'd been risky enough for one day. Also trying not to bring more stuff in.

  6. Oh boy - another chapter in the Life Of Boud - clangs and flashes this time, scary stuff. Sure does sound as though that car is a drama queen! Thrift stores are open here too so we did a drop off last week. Didn't go in though - that was too much anxiety for me to handle.

    1. Yes, just emptying the car was enough excitement. There were people shopping though. Every single person I see around is masked. A comfort.

    2. So many lights and bells on cars - mine has all sorts of icons (none of which I know the meaning of) which pop on occasionally. I really hate that. Nice that you were able to get all the donations, donated. Mine are still sitting in the garage.

    3. It's such a relief to be driving an empty car with no rattling around behind me all the time. At first I couldn't tell if it was parts of the car coming adrift. In the old car I Knew what was what, familiar with her noises, which were rare.


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