Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Giving of the Lavender Time

The lavender is just at peak knock you down scent, so I picked and tied bundles and now I have several happy neighbors.

 Also nice chats, keeping up my social requirements, which are not very high, a short visit is fine. 

And I may get around to picking some for me, too. 


  1. Replies
    1. You're quite a bit north of me. One of the neighbors loved the scent, had no idea what it was, from a tropical country where it doesn't grow, but very happy to accept it. I told her how I use it to scent linens etc. So now she's on it.

  2. So pretty, but deadly for my allergies. I love the scent though.

    1. I hope I didn't suffocate anyone with these bundles. Hadn't thought of allergies.

  3. Very nice. Jealous here. Too hot, too humid for it to be successful here.


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