Saturday, June 13, 2020

Farm days

The local farm is definitely in the season now. 

Distancing while waiting

Today's lovely haul

And lunch. First salad in a long time, since I really like very local food. Everything here except the cucumber given by a friend, was still growing,a mile away,  this morning.

Doesn't get much better than this. And the weather is clear, in the 70s, everyone cheerful.

Happy camper.


  1. mmmm - nice. Have to see if I can track down any farmers locally that are selling direct. The farmers market is open now but when we drove by I noticed people were milling all over the place and not paying one bit of attention to social distancing. Needless to say I won't be going there until they get it sorted out.

    1. Our local farm is very good that way. One small counter under the big porch, two servers, well apart, everyone distanced and masked.


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