Sunday, June 14, 2020

Vote! Now more than ever

US readers, please push for vote by mail and then use it.

I voted today in the NJ primary

 We've had universal mail-in choice for years in NJ. Handsome Partner had been using it for years before as a permanently disabled person, so when it was opened to everyone I applied right away, and turned the dining table into a polling station every election. So our electorate of two voted together.

 He was happy to feel included, instead of seeing me drive off to vote while he had days earlier,  filled out his ballot at home.  He needed me to seal and mail it for him, but we scrupulously observed the secret ballot, neither looking at the other's choices. Since we were in tune politically, I suspect we sent in identical decisions!

The secret ballot, and the right to vote at all, are precious. People have bled and died for it. So please use it. Do it for John Lewis! 

And if you don't know about this towering hero, look him up. 


  1. Yes! Could not agree more.

    Covid-19 pushed Idaho into vote-only-by-mail for our primary in May. Hoping (and lobbying) for the same in November.

    Chris from Boise

    1. This is the first election for which we are totally vbm, no polling stations. Not sure about the general, but it's vbm for me anyway.And anyone I can persuade.

  2. So many people in this world don’t have the right to vote!

    1. Exactly. So we who do need to exercise it.

  3. Thank you and Congratulations!
    Mail in voting is the way to go.
    In addition to voting, I think it is high time we also pay more attention to who we are voting for as well as the voting regulations in our states. If this could be a write in year, then I am sure somebody would rise up to save America. Somebody who maybe not have been a front runner...and maybe a woman. At this point, I'd even vote for Elizabeth Warren.

  4. vote as if your life depends on it because it does.

    1. Literally so.

      And our next step is to push to keep the USPS funded. It renews in October as the fiscal year turns over. There's a lot of pressure yo defund and privatize it, just in time to suppress the mail in vote. We can't let it happen.

  5. And women fought so hard to get the right to vote! Voting,no matter the method, is crucial right now. Just wish there was a stronger candidate running against you-know-who.

    1. As long as he invites a strong person preferably Harris, to run for VP..

  6. Voting is a privilege many fought and died, fought and went to jail to have. Vote everyone!


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