Sunday, June 28, 2020

Nature goes on anyway

Even when people are in crisis, nature steams ahead.

The Thai basil finally germinated and will soon need the netting removed from her pot.

Those tiny tomato seedlings are now ready for a new home

And this big jungly mass is the candy roaster squash you saw me plant as seeds in a pot with netting to protect against squirrels. I think she can defend herself just fine now. In fact the Thai basil needs to be protected from her at this rate.


  1. Growing like crazy, just like my hair!

  2. Things are growing well here too. Such a great time of year!

  3. Outside plants are wonderful. Full of hope and promise.

  4. Those all look great. And thank you for welcoming me into the 80 and beyond club.

  5. the spring gardens down here are just about done.

  6. Thank you for your glimpses of the sweet things in life - a needed balance to the difficult bits. Whether exciting hoses or Candy Roaster seedlings, I so appreciate your posts!

    Chris from Boise

    1. The hose is proving to be a daily entertainment center as well as a sprinkler system.

      As for the sweet side, I pretty much think it's my job this year to show some things working right. There aren't that many, so we need to value them where we find them.

  7. Our tomatoes and squash are done here - too hot, too humid. However the basil and other herbs are doing well still.

    1. Herbs are from hot climates originally so heat doesn't bother them. My lavender is just huge, despite neglect and hot sun against concrete all afternoon and evening.

  8. I think nature is doing exceptionally well right now due to the lack of pollution in the air. Cutting down in our driving and how the factories are producing has helped the earth to regroup so there some aspect of goodness in that.


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