Thursday, June 11, 2020

Glenn and Friends and some sort of strawberry shortcake thing

I happened on a very funny and nice YouTube channel while I was looking for something else, and stayed with it for a while.

Glenn bakes/cooks on Sundays, and has a great collection of antique recipe books from which he works, just as it comes.

 He also waves his arms a lot, pointing up and out, exactly like a flight attendant showing you the emergency exits.  Then his partner comes in to taste and critique, usually with her mouth full, the morning's product. 

I really liked them, and their knowledge of food history, specially Canadian, since that's where they are.

Here's a couple of his cake recipes.

 The emergency cake may be one I'll try, though the Depression cake, involving boiling some ingredients ahead, I'm not sure about. I've seen that presented as Amish, too. Probably it's just frugal food, showing up all over.

And I needed some emergency food myself so I made yet a different cornbread, just cornmeal, no other flour, added in chopped walnuts, not bad.

 Any recipe that says shortening I use butter, because it's what I have. This was before I found Glenn, or I might have tried his emergency cake. Which sounds like a contradiction in terms.

Reminded me a few years ago of a presentation by a developer to local township zoning board, claiming there was a desperate need for luxury housing in the township. Right.

Back to let them eat cornbread: with tea, I thawed out a couple of farm strawberries and arranged them ever so poshly on a slice of the emergency cornbread, like some sort of strawberry shortcake or something. Juice all over.

 It ate better'n it looked.


  1. We are not cornbread eaters here. We should try it again.

    1. For a long time I didn't like it, too crumbly or something, then a couple of months ago I developed a taste for it, and I've made hald a dozen different versions, all okay, some very okay.

  2. Had to go find some Glen and friend videos - great fun! Now past my bedtime (thanks a lot...). Cornbread shortcake - mmm! We've recently been making all cornmeal cornbread, and finding it very tasty. Also cornmeal pancakes, pretty wonderful with yogurt and strawberries too.

    Sweet dreams -
    Chris from Boizzzzzzzzzzz......

    1. Yes, it's Glen, I misspelled it. But glad you found him despite my help!

  3. Of course where I live, cornbread was once a very staple of life. "Light bread" or wheat bread, was for the rich. We still like cornbread. Sometimes I like to make a very savory one with sauteed onions, hot peppers, and grated cheese.

    1. That sounds like a complete meal. Noted. There's a recipe in my ancient Sunset book that sounds like that. I need to try it.

  4. Looks good to me! Lol
    Check out artist, Jeri Landers' videos of Hopalong Hollow Gazette on Youtube. They are a real treat to watch.

  5. Cornbread is a favorite of mine - specially toasted then spread with butter and honey!!

  6. Cornbread is a favourite of mine too. Resident Chef recently made some sort of cornbread muffins with sourdough....very tasty and I'm hopeful for more. I'll have to check out Glen and Friends just to see what it's all about.

    1. I seem to be in a cornbread phase right now.


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