Wednesday, June 10, 2020

High 90s, good day for reading

Since the days of doing a photo spread of current library books, I've switched to online. Hoopla , though a limited number of books per month, already used all my June ones, is great.

So here's where I am and have been.

Still in the midst of the Penelope Lively, wonderful nonfiction based on the historic family home she spent time in, her family, and the tangents triggered by the history and passing guests who also stopped by.

 I love social history, and hers is engaging, takes in a wide swath of countries, social position, attitudes, with an accepting but sceptical eye. Highly recommended.

The others are fun with a purpose. The Rabbi books sneak in a lot of Jewish history and tradition, wrapped in the fun of a mystery. The Jeff Cohens deal with very real issues of life with a son on the spectrum, folded into mysteries of the reluctant detective type.

 He borrows heavily from the Andy Carpenter mystery form, incompetent narrator, brilliant wife, dog in picture,  but  is still very readable anyway. Similarly has a good cause in mind, his being  autism understanding, Carpenter's, very different, dog rescue.   

 I read and like both.

I also, while we're on the spectrum, I read but on my Kindle, Convenience Store Woman, where the narrator is herself autistic, struggling for acceptance against a world that wants to "fix" her. It's a very good insight, and really worth reading. I read the whole novel while I was waiting for my car yesterday.

It was for an online book group which I used to attend in person. And which I was all set to join in this afternoon. Because I thought it was Tuesday. Turns out Tuesday was yesterday. Oh. Anyway I'll email my opinions, late but oh well, today to the group.


  1. Days do tend to blend together. Reading can save an evening when TV is boring or over done with reruns.

    1. I don't have a TV. Except a little one that's for DVDs, no actual transmission. I don't think I'm missing a lot.

  2. I lead a book club which hasn’t been able to meet since March. We hope to later this month.

  3. I've never done book clubs. I tried once but I've never liked disecting things....I just like to enjoy them privately and move on to the next book. I've never heard of Hoopla. I'll check it out today. I get ebook sales from Modern Miss Darcy and end up grabbing quite a few there for my tablet using my Kindle app. She has great books on sale and ones with great reviews. The rabbi books look good as all of them do, really. I am behind in my reading and trying to catch up. I usually only read in the evening but I have taken to reading during the day on breaks in order to catch up to my challenge of 75 books this year. I'm behind by 15 right now. I have been confused about the days also. I know what day it is but it "feels" like another day for some reason. Fridays have been "feeling" like Saturdays lately and then of course that makes Saturday feel like Sunday! LOL! Take care and read on!

  4. I left one book club because their selections were getting in the way of the masses of books I wanted to read. Also they weren't always well written, so I didn't want to spend time in them. I do love to analyze a good book, but there are book group people who don't read the book so the meeting quickly gets off on a tangent!

  5. I've never joined a book club but I do read a lot (depending on how much free time I have and hao sleepy I am). I'm late with my spring list but will publish it today.

  6. I think I've read all the Rabbi books and enjoyed all of them!

    1. Yes, always interesting as well as a good mystery. I love the lightbulb moment in each novel, where the Rabbi puts it all together and we have to wait till he explains.

  7. Funny how Tuesday do that. Sometimes they were yesterday and sometimes they're tomorrow, But then again...maybe the day after. A book I read recently that I highly recommend is 'Where The Crawdads Sing' (author's name escapes me at the moment).

    1. Everyone I know except me has read it. I really have to. But I'm deep in the Kopp sisters right now.


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