Thursday, June 4, 2020

New approach to hot biscuits

I thought I'd try using muffin pans this time. Usually I make one large one, which I break up when cooked, or spoon it out. Half ap flour, half fresh ground steelcut oats, chocolate chunks, golden raisins, chopped walnuts. Olive oil, butter milk as fats. Usual baking powder, soda, salt. No sugar. Not dessert. 

I always need some breadlike food around, and this is breadlike, if fancy. I was down to one slice of banana bread, horror!

And it did come out okay. Also came out of the muffin tins cooperatively.

Long power outage after storms yesterday, though we got only minor damage. No internet. The neighbors usually text me for information!

 Not sure why they trust me to know what's going on. One said, oh well, if you didn't know I was going to call the power company!  Who were apparently telling people to consult their online outage maps. How, we wondered, after power came back, along with internet, and we found the messages. I get text alerts, so that worked.

Unusually long outage, but when trees are brought down, more storms strong enough these days to bring down huge old trees, it slows everything.

Out early this morning to see how my seedlings managed, fine, as it happens, and to look at this miniature world of fungi and lichen on the gate. To me a magic world, to my contractor friend a sign of rot!


  1. Glad you for the power back without too much difficulty. We lost lots of old trees last year after the tropical storm blew through.

    1. At this point, after the devastation of Sandy, I think a lot of the remaining old trees at least in my neighborhood, are tough old guys.

      Turns out the worst damage was done by straightline winds south of here, where many roads are still blocked, lines and poles down.

      We got help from several other states, usual situation. The power companies know all about working together.

  2. hmmm. chocolate, raisins, walnuts. almost dessert. our internet went down for a while Wednesday. routine maintenance they said.

    1. Ssssh, not dessert! Handsome Son visited yesterday and approved. Lemonade and a couple of these, warmed slightly, always good for flavor, went over well.

  3. I too need some kind of bread! LOL! Your muffins look delish! I love a good storm but nowadays so many are damaging. Take care and enjoy your muffins!

  4. Biscuits look good - as my dad would have said "they'll get et". Glad the power outage wasn't a long one.

  5. I agree with you - a magic world on the gate.

    1. A kindred spirit. When the HOA replace the gates and fencing later this year, I'll miss my colony. Maybe I can retrieve it though before they haul the old wood away, now there's a thought.


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