Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What a difference a day makes

Indoors: sitting up and taking notice, patient much better, not quite up to stitching or knitting , but energy roaring back. And considering how rugged the shots are, I certainly don't want to experience the ailment they're shielding me from. Very happy with modern medicine today.

And outside the daisies are bustin' out all over, the daylilies showing up loyally.

My daisies, lavender and foliage are the colors of the suffrage movement. So if your state primary is today, please vote. It's being made very difficult, but please do your best not to let your vote be suppressed.

Thank you everyone who posted and emailed and texted yesterday. I feel quite spoiled. A neighbor looked in yesterday, nice chat about attic fans, offer of shopping if necessary. Handsome Son came by mid afternoon with groceries, cornbread and chat. 

It was only last night that I noticed, after staying in night clothes all day, unheard of for me, that my nightgown was inside out. Some people say it's lucky, some wonder about the wearer's marbles. 


  1. Replies
    1. So am I. It's boring lying unable to do anything for more than a few minutes! Not my style. Thank you!

  2. Good to hear you are OK and raring to go. Enjoy your garden shots. Your season is quite a bit ahead of mine. My daylilies have been chomped by rabbits - I watched them doing it. All God's creatures I keep telling myself.

    1. That was my reaction to caterpillars eating every scrap of my parsley. Then after I found I'd been feeding the caterpillars of the dusky swallowtail, I felt better. In fact I've put parsley out on the fence just for them since then.

      The rabbits have plenty of greens without eating the daylilies. My herbs, for instance!

  3. Glad you're feeling better and have gotten over the worst of it. Lost marbles or luck - at least look at it that you gave people something to talk about (if they even noticed!!).

    1. Since both were men I'm guessing if they noticed they would think it was some fashion!I had a robe, too, but to me it looked obvious.

  4. my ox-eye daisies are about done and the daylilies as well. the yard is sort of in between right now. glad you recovered.

  5. Accidentally wearing your clothes inside out is ok. However, if you notice and turn them right side out, it is believed that your good luck will disappear. Hey - somebody has to know these useless bits of information!

    1. Oh good, then my luck didn't go away. It pays to be absent-minded.


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