Sunday, September 21, 2014

Windfalls for everyone

This is one of the reasons I preserve my wild cherry tree as much as I can.  In spring the blossoms are a madhouse of bees, great for local honey production.  Summer it gives me shade to sit out and read.  Fall and the crop of berries, inedible by humans, very bitter and mostly pit, are a feast for birds and squirrels.  The squirrels are very messy eaters, knock a lot of fruit down onto the deck.  

Then opportunistic little baby rabbits nip out and eat them to their heart's content.  And that suits me, since the fruit doesn't get tracked into the house.

This baby has been around, or maybe it's a few of them, for several weeks,noshing on my basil plants, very sophisticated taste, come to think of it.  And now the cherries are providing them with fuel, too.

They're late season babies, perhaps because the severe winter put the rhythm out, and we didn't see many baby rabbits this spring.  But now they're around.

When the next snows come, we'll see how much of the tree survives.  Beautiful with a cloak of white, but I usually run out and shake the snow off to save the branches from being brought down.


  1. Such a cute little fellow - Mother Nature provides for all doesn't she.

  2. Cute bunny and nice to see him helping with your yard cleanup.


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