Friday, February 3, 2023

Misfits box and aphantasia

Right after I posted yesterday, the Misfits box arrived, on time, complete except for the items they'd alerted me to. 

So it seems their website, which indicated not shipped, definitely not out for delivery, look for it Friday,  minutes before the email announcing its arrival, is not talking with the rest of the team. I'm guessing an issue between the newly-linked Imperfect and  Misfits online worlds. Appropriate when you think about it.

Far be it from me to complain about an on-time delivery, and here It is

The biggest butternut squash ever, and giant sweet potatoes. Enough for two pots of soup, so containers of cooked, cubed, squash and sweet potatoes are now in the fteezer, along with enough soup for the week. Some kale because no spinach at a good price. Cherries because no apples (!). I think I'll struggle through!

Last evening so tired after prepping, washing, freezing, sweeping floor, breaking down boxes for recycle, cooking, washing dishes, I just managed a cup of soup. It went down well, usual seasoning of salt, Old Bay, turmeric, nutmeg, added milk, dash of lemon juice.

I'd already done a good walk, and various other things, busy day.

While I was out walking I noticed behind s house fence, right where I walk 

Dumping started again. Loose papers out of frame, blowing about. This is close to where we had the massive problem last year, now resolved. As you see, contractors are at work

I've alerted management to insist they take away the debris when they finish. It's illegal for homeowners to put construction debris into the waste stream, so that's when dumping happens. Brendan, our manager,  promises to be on it. So we'll see. 

A lot of contractors claim debris is the homeowner's problem because they don't want to bother disposing of it in approved places to which they have trade access. 

In fact my next door neighbors rejected three contractors for their renovation before finding one who would dispose of the debris.

This kind of thing is often the difference between a nice place to live and a rundown development. Considering these townhouses are in the $400k market, they're worth caring for.

No, we paid nothing like that. We bought one of the last three houses to be sold, when the builders were desperate to finish their responsibilities for the development. So we offered a ridiculously low price, and were amazed when they said Done!

Back to now, I just came across this interesting thinking. It's about the ability to visualize. Some people have it to a marked extent, all the way to people who can't fathom what it's like.  No connection with intelligence, none, just variations in brain function. Take a look.

On being asked to visualize an apple, or any object or scene.

One is marked visualization, on a scale to 5 which is the absence of it. It's just interesting, not vital, definitely not an indicator of other abilities. Not a puzzle with a right answer! 

Happy day everyone, posting early because Misfits changed my plans for the better. Let's hope if your plans change without your agreement, it's for the better. 

And if we can't visualize the better, don't worry, let it flow over us. Let's be the pond, not the fish darting about in it.



  1. I like that, being the pond. You had a busy day. I bet you slept well. I can visualize. Mark cannot. Yes, it has nothing to do with intelligence, he is very smart but couldn't tell you the paint color in his office!

    1. It's really important to know how many functions our brains have, and how measured intelligence is pretty much irrelevant to them!

  2. I recently read an article on how some of us think with images and I've been pondering that ever since. Although I would swear that I am not a visual thinker, I believe I may be. Weird.
    Just prepping that giant butternut squash alone would exhaust me! Goodness gracious.

    1. About the squash -- there was an element of it or me about it!

  3. A while back I came across some videos and articles about aphantasia (actually, I wonder if you posted about this before and piqued my interest?). Anyway, it made for an interesting discussion with one of my sons. One test was to close your eyes and imagine something and tell what you see. My son reported he could see the thing in color. I only see blackness - no matter how hard I try to imagine the thing. OTOH, with my eyes open, I can imagine (or what I call, "see with my mind's eye") details and colors of things very easily. I can even imagine their smell. (I don't actually smell the thing, but I can imagine a sweet smell to the point that my salivary glands start pumping, and a putrid smell to the point of it nearly turning my stomach if I fix on it too long). In the end I've concluded (on my most basic level of understanding this) aphantasia is difficult to pin down with mere words - without some scientific, objective methods of determining it. It would be interesting to be in that kind of study.

    1. What interesting observations. Thank you. I hope other blogistas will contribute their thinking to your and Mary's thoughts.

  4. Yet another bit of interesting information to ponder. I would have to say I sit pretty firmly on '5' but didn't know there was a name for it. There's also the question about whether dreams are in b&w or in colour. I've pondered that one at times and can honestly say that I can't identify mine - and as a matter of fact rarely remember my dreams anyway.

    1. I wonder if imagery in dreams is related to this ability?

  5. I’m very good a visualising but my hubby isn’t. So when I say I want to do it this way or that and I can clearly see it in my mind. He’s like. I have no idea what your on about. Frustrating.
    I guess it’s just a gift like anything else

    1. Yes, hard for people to get into each other's thoughts when they're so different.

  6. I share Angela's frustration. I will see something perfectly in my mind and try to explain it to he who will be executing it and am met with irritation and a request to draw it. I dream in vivid colour, I can imagine things full of colour and texture (sometimes even better than I can see them thanks to ageing eyesight). I wonder if this ability is stronger in females? Where do you sit on the scale, Boud?

  7. I'm a strong One, can easily visualize, complete with sound, taste, sensation. I'm not sure how people get on if they don't have that capacity. I don't know if there's a gender connection, but it would be interesting to find out.

  8. I visualize well I think. I wonder if it is related to delayed gratification, being able to set a goal and work towards it?

    1. I'm not sure how the two relate. Can you say more?

    2. I’m not sure they do but visualizing and working towards something one can imagine may be connected…

  9. I'm fairly good at visualizing concrete ideas (color of a wall), but not abstract (smell).

    1. I'd think as a weaver you'd have strong ability to visualize pattern and color, too.

  10. That visualisation thing is interesting. If asked to I could see a banana but I don't think I see things in general. It's more a sense of.

    1. For some people this is a whole new concept, but I think it's interesting.

  11. The aphantasia scale IS interesting. I've never heard that word. Kudos to you for getting all that food prep done ahead of time!

    1. It's a weird made up kind of word, made me think of elephants at first. The usual modern mishmash of Greek words.

  12. You seem to be having a very good experience with the misfits. Hope your management team is able to get the situation under control so you don't have lots of folks dumping again. I'm always amazed when people are so short sighted and sloppy/lazy. Good luck on that.

    1. I think the trick with dumping is to be on it immediately, so other people don't follow suit, thinking nobody minds. I settled one person's hash without a word spoken after the fencing was done. The company had collected all the debris into one area outside my house. I suddenly noticed completely unrelated trash added to it. So I went out and made an elaborate process of taking pictures. In a couple of hours the extra trash had gone. It works.

      When an area is obviously cared for, there's much less chance anyone wants to be the first dumper.

  13. I'm a 3 or 4 on the aphantasia scale, and Mike is a full 1 like you. He says he dreams in visuals only, no words - doesn't know if in black and white or color. I don't remember most dreams, but I know I dream in color, and as I've dreamed in Spanish, I'm sure I've dreamed in English too. As far as how all this ties into reality: Mike is a brilliant designer, both spatially (building things) and with color. I have to see a mock-up first, of both physical objects and of a color scheme.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Interesting further insights into visualizing, thank you. Which leads me to wonder if high v people partner with lower v people? Like the everlasting thermostat settings where people tend to partner with people who are much warmer/ cooler!


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