Sunday, January 12, 2020

Three part snack

Simple recipe showed up on my YouTube tl this morning, and if I can find the origin again, I'll credit her.

It's cookie things, using two mashed bananas, one and a half cups oats, and a bunch of chocolate chips or whatever you want to put. It's like banana bread in that you add in what you want or happen to have around.


After. They look exactly the same.

Oven at 350f, 15 minutes. Cool, put in airtight tin, will last a week. Who am I kidding? I never encounter stale cookies, nor cake. Nor leftover caviar, for that matter.

Anyway I got ten, recipe claims a dozen, but who's counting. For people for whom it's an issue, they are gluten free and vegan, too.


  1. I've been buying bananas for the goats lately, so maybe I'll steal a couple and try this. Can you use dark, mushy bananas as for banana bread? I could give the firmer ones to the goats (banana buttons) and keep the mushy one for myself :)

  2. Mushy is good. It helps moisturize the oatmeal. Just as for banana bread. Go for it!


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