Monday, January 13, 2020

The great winnowing creaks on

Today a carload of art materials, tools, quilting hoops, dollhouse furniture (toy not miniature), picture frames, to the thriftie.

And since it's a distance and an effort, a small reward,

needed corduroy pants for winter, silk cardi. Brand names, change from $10.

Meanwhile back in the studio, this is the reduced supply department, one artform per crate. Plus folding shelves.

And here's the start of the next thriftie run, also recycling.

 To date only one very small bag has gone to the garbage.

And these will go on Friday to a young friend to hold up his canoe, he tells me.

There will be more sawhorses available once the other worktop is recycled, and the folding shelves above resume their supporting role for the one remaining worktop. They bring it up to a good height for standing work, which is how I work.

All in all, a good Monday morning.


  1. The neighbor whose cats I minded last week came over to visit and ended up moving several big items from the studio! So cool. Glass slab I used for printmaking, door worktop, filing cabinet, gone. He's going to get another neighbor to help with the big glass slab, two person job. All these are items I couldn't move. So it's a lot less worrying having only manageable things to deal with. Yay!

  2. From experience, I know one thing about downsizing: it's quicker and more efficient when you don't have to stop and say, "what do you think about this? It was your aunt's..." Having grown up with the 'throw it out if she's not touching it" lady, I want to do the same thing myself, but know better. If it ain't mine, I don't get rid of it without permission.

    I think you've done an admirable job already. Those photos look like the rooms are echo-y now...

    1. I do some of the asking, in case my son is interested, largely in his dad's stuff. But the studio is my decision making, now that Mike's taken the few items he wanted for his own art.

      Thanks for the encouragement, very welcome.

  3. A lot of work--the pictures don't show how much goes into this effort. Well done!

  4. Well, coming from one who moves a lot of stuff routinely, that's a nice obervation, thankyou.
    I'm blessed with good health up to now, anyway! So I can do it, with a bit of help.

  5. It's great when an article goes to someone you know can put it to good use, and even better if they're willing to cart it off themselves. We've done one big thrift store run already and there's another pile started, even tho' I'm technically done with this go-round of the great declutter.

  6. I'm on carload three tomorrow. After that it might slow down a bit.


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