Sunday, January 26, 2020

Signs of spring

Outdoors, the first two snowdrops, tight shut yet

Indoors the pot of primula in the kitchen

just getting under way.


  1. Replies
    1. Chinese saying: one flower blooms, spring everywhere!

  2. What a nice surprise - at least I'm thinking the outside blooms in January are a surprise. Yes? We've had such a mild winter in December and January it's tempting to think that it may just pass us by. I would be so very happy if it did.

  3. The snowdrops always bloom at this time. Some years when we've had snow, they've come up, bloomed and withered, all under the snow! They must have some natural antifreeze, I guess.

    1. Interesting! Their name is perfect, I'm thinking. Both for how they look, and the timing of their blooms.

  4. And this reminds me that late January is when I go in search of flowering witch hazel. We lost my favorite area during Sandy, but I located another couple of bushes in walking distance. They're right by a bus shelter, so I appear to be waiting for a bus when I'm larcenously swiping municipal twigs. Pic when I find some.

  5. Who knew? Our Boud leads a life of quiet law-breaking (referring to swiping municipal twigs). Snowdrops in bloom - long way from that happening here.

  6. It's known as gardener's larceny. I've swiped from some great places..


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