Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Oatmeal banana cookies, iteration two

In the interests of food science research, and because most of the first batch might be gone before Handsome Son gets over here to try them, I made a second batch.

This time I used white chocolate chips (how can they be chocolate then?  Oh well), and left the mixture overnight. This worked fine to make the dough more workable.

But once again I got ten, not the promised dozen. So either the YouTube lady has smaller hands than I, since she shaped them in her hands and I did likewise. Or maybe she has bigger bananas..

Anyway if you have time to mix the dough but now you want to go to bed, it can wait till next day just fine.


  1. Test results: these are much better than the first batch. I think the time elapsed between mixing and baking was a Good Thing.

    They work as breakfast as well as other time cookies. Oatmeal, banana, all good.

  2. anything with white chocolate in it has to be improved.
    And as an observation, I have never ever managed to make a roll recipe, or cookie recipe, that made the stated number of anything. I think they say 'dozen" because it sounds classier than "makes about 10 or 11". And I suspect you and I both like cookies we can find without a magnifying glass...

  3. Since I don't like dark chocolate, only eating it now and then because it's a good food, I'm bound to like the white chocolate better. My son loves dark chocolate, darker the better. I've pointed out that chocolate isn't supposed to be a contact sport, but he really likes it.

  4. I wondered that about white chocolate too! :)

  5. Handsome son tested the cookies, preferred the dark chocolate version, but we both think they're good, not wonderful. Bronze medal standard.

  6. White chocolate isn't chocolate in my opinion. I'm a dark chocolate girl all the way. Preferably with peanut butter.

  7. You're welcome to all the dark chocolate, and please take the peanut butter, too. I'm not a fan.


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