Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New year's Resolution. Again.

This is a continuing resolution (little congressional joke there), fresh flowers on the first of the month.

Years ago I decided it was hopeless trying for further self improvement, heck, at this point I'm as good as I'm going to get, for better or worse. Instead I decided, since I don't attend to myself a lot, that I should have a treat of fresh flowers on the first of each month.

So this post had to wait till I shopped and brought them home, picked pachysandra outside, and arranged them. Anemones aka lilies of the field, carnations, and homegrown handy pachy. Arranged in an antique Trenton Potteries jar, local ware.

Happy New year to you, and I hope you have a great year, peaceful and safe and well.


  1. I'm with you in thinking I'm as good as I'm going to get. Fresh flowers are a joy and don't happen often enough. I always rely on other people to gift them to me, thinking that I can't justify the expense on myself. Well....maybe....

  2. The monthly flower budget is $10. Not too stiff. If you buy them at a food store, do your own choosing and arranging, much cheaper than those wonderful gift ones. They're fabulous to receive but out of my budget.

  3. That blue is gorgeous! I thought they were Icelandic poppies, which I wish I could grow here. I'm going to try to add more blue to the perennial gardens this year.
    I bought flowers on Christmas Eve to take to the friends who invited me to Christmas Day brunch, so I got to have my cake and eat it, so to speak :)

  4. Yes, that color is wonderful. I have them where I can see them from the sofa, and they're lovely to keep noticing.

    In the garden, dark blue is lovely with touches of white. If you grow gypsophila around blue flowers you have a natural bouquet without even picking anything.


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