Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Secret Santa Part Two

Two of the Ds. decided to be the delivery folks when Pete the Penguin set off for his new owner, Barb P. at the libe, with Pete stuffed into their knitted carrying bag. A penguin fan, she had no idea what she was in for when the picture was taken, but did give Pete a great welcome once she'd unwrapped him.

The Ds. were admired and played with by the library staff, Barb making Michelle dance with joy, and their carrying bag even came in for some attention. So all was good in this orbit today.

Barb generously agreed to be photographed, though I'd come at her with no warning, this is a very nice lady, and also takes a good pic, as you see. I particularly like the way the rabbit ears on her shirt got attached to Dreads...who is quite unaware that she now looks more funny than dignified.

Barb's been such a friend for a long time to me as I've come and gone at the libe, a good listener and a good asker, too, all in the course of checking books in and out without a pause.

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