Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Ds. and their Christmas Amaryllis

Not to be outdone by all the cast of thousands, the two Gardening Ds took over the Planting of the Annual Amaryllis.

A quick trip to the market, pausing only to take part in a canned food drive for the local food bank

with girl scouts singing carols for cans, and we added to their collection of foods after a nice rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells, and home came the required amaryllis. It came in a kit

A white one, the Dollivers wanted red,

but Boud wanted white and for once she won, and they plan to pose beside it and maybe climb it, as it goes.

Now the Ds are bragging about their gardening expertise, and Boud is about to make a nice cup of tea and read an Agatha Christie.


  1. You never know, it could turn out to be red!

  2. I bought what I hope is an orange one - the one I bought last month just produced leaves. Yours looks wonderfully fat, and so does mine - keep us posted as it grows, ok? Those Dollivers seem to be accepting your choice of colour with good grace. Should it turn out to be red, I trust they will be as gracious!!


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