Thursday, December 1, 2011

RIP Tiger Fluffy Sheba

Fluffy Sheba ignoring the camera, typical facial expression

More or less posing, not a willing participant in photo shoots

Last time Fluffy Sheba came downstairs, a long time ago, Duncan acted like a peace broker between her and Marigold.

Our fierce Persian rescue, Fluffy, died quietly at home this afternoon after a couple of days of just sleeping and being confused. She was about 17, not sure, since I don't know the age at which I rescued, I mean, just took her, from an abusive first home. She wasn't much for humans, not surprisingly, but would allow me, only me, to handle her despite all the loving attention she got from HP, who was very amused that she only had the back of her paw for him no matter what he did! I think her abuser was probably a man.

I let the other two cats come and see for themselves before I arrange to take her to the vet to be cremated. She did live out her full lifespan, mad as hell to the end! She was my computer friend, her basket right next to the place I keep my netbook and all the spaghetti of cords for various things to plug in, and frequently getting among the wires and getting all mad at me.

2011 has been a year of losses. Some good stuff too, but big losses.


  1. Im so sorry about Fluffy Sheba. It's hard to let them go, but I commend you for not trying to prolong the journey. And as you say she lived out her span, and a bit more.

    Be well, Boud.

  2. So sorry you have lost your computer companion. They are as much a part of our families as our human members. They leave just as big a hole too. {{{Hugs}}} my friend.

  3. So sorry to learn of the passing of Fluffy Sheba. Always a shock no matter how we expect it. My goodness, 17 years at least - a good long life after you rescued her. She joins HP now, relieved of her earthly constraints of previous abuse, now purring in his lap, having seen the Light. - Jean in Cowtown

  4. Awwww - how sorry I am to hear this. Losing a pet is hard. I suspect she's with HP now and probably still giving him the back of her paw. Hugs to you, and to Duncan and Marigold too.


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