Friday, March 26, 2021

The Staff of Life and its sidekicks

My mother was very big on quoting the staff of life as a reference to bread. Mainly homebaked, I never heard her say it of storebought. Here's the current Staff, showing up, nice crumb, nice crust, too.  Not as crusty as if I'd used oatmeal, but good.  About two thirds wholewheat one third ap flour.  Caraway seeds scattered heedlessly in, too.

And lunch today was butternut squash soup, and the first chives of the year with a few bits of dandelion leaves included. They grow in the chive pot, so I get to have them without searching for unsprayed leaves.

And another of the broccokopita pasties, a bit more filling still available for the very last of the pastry next time I'm up for it. Not yet eaten, plans for this pasty.

Today was Misfits day.  I think the Fedex has a new driver, excellent guy, delivers promptly, kindly leaves the heavy box far enough from the storm door that I can get the door open to retrieve the box.  Sets it down, doesn't drop it from a height.  

Delivery people who don't understand about the sweep of the door across the step have occasionally left packages too close.  This means I had to leave by the back door, the patio, run to the end of the street, career round the houses to the front street, and chug up the sidewalk to my own house, to pull back the box far enough to open the door and insert the box within.  You can't push a heavy box with a relatively fragile storm door, at least I can't.

And here's today's haul, complete with insulating blankets and a freezer gel pack, which looks like this

Safe for drains or garden.  I put mine on the earth to melt and drain, no harm done to any plants. Most of the packing material is biodegradable or recyclable.

And here's the  spread for this week.  The tiny potatoes are fingerlings.  Several kinds of apples.  Blueberries for future plans about a sandwich sort of dessert thing, like fig newtons only not.  Halved walnuts, I add walnuts in to practically anything.

And here's the pasty for tonight's supper, with its fresh salad, all today's Misfits in the bowl.  Romaine, Roma tomato, celery, scallions, carrots.

As a p.k.* friend of mine used to say, when asked to say grace before a meal: Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!

*preacher's kid


  1. Here's another fun grace to say -- "Good bread, good meat, good gawd, let's eat!"

    1. I expect there are a few irreverent ones like these. Funny.

  2. Replies
    1. I do like to eat well, not a big appetite, but I like food to count. And I definitely do well on Misfits produce.

  3. Replies
    1. No way of knowing when other deliveries will happen. But the Misfits guy is good.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes. It's keeping up my flagging spirits.

  5. I had to look up what Misfits was, what a great idea.

    1. It's been great for me. In fortunate in that I'm in an area they serve. They're based about an hour plus south of me.

  6. Your misfits box is like Christmas for grown-ups. First you get to look at the list to see what you want and is delivered! Such a beautiful thing.

    1. It really is. I feel excited every time. Santa came! Again!

  7. Misfits doesn't get this far west and south though as I recall, there is a similar thing that my daughter subscribed to for a while. but we do have a farm close by that puts together boxes but no choosing. you get what you get.

    1. I believe they've become available in Idaho. So you never know. Buying direct from the farm is good, even without choices. You're supporting them, and keeping the travel local for the food.

  8. Lovely misfits and, YUM!, fresh bread.


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