Thursday, March 18, 2021

Spring isn't here yet

 Pouring rain, gloomy skies, but the daffodils are thinking yes, this is great weather for us to get really going here.  And here's the first one on the patio, as of now

The white pipe is part of the sprinkler system I made last year, from an old hose with leaks in it.  I enlarged the leaks, and set the hose up to curve around the patio so I could turn on the faucet and water the whole area at once.  Which pleased the birds a lot, they love little fountains, and created rainbows, too. And kept the hose out of the landfill.  And sellers of new hoses and sprinkler systems out of my pocket. And caused me to have a few unexpected showers as I set it up.

Current reading is Home by Marilynne Robinson, which I sort of stumbled on.  It's slow and unfolding and calm reading.  

Turns out it's a companion novel to another by this author, from the viewpoint of the main character's closest friend. So I may have to go there, too. And it's part of a saga recommendation from Oprah, which I knew nothing about either, but that may be how it got into my timeline. 

Anyway, I'm doing well with this one.  I borrowed it via the Libby library app, so I was able to transfer it to my Kindle, easy reading.

I recommend it thus far, anyway.  

And since March has been three months long up to now, what with snow and rain and wind and waiting an endless four weeks for the second vax, I'm doing chop wood carry water today.  Banana bread, laundry, garbage out.  So exciting, really!  But there's the sense that I'm not wasting beautiful weather working indoors, so there's that.



  1. It won't be Spring in Canada for at least another month.

  2. We had a torrential downfall this morning with thunder and lightening to boot. Now it's clear and cloudless and you'd never know.
    I have banana bread in the oven and laundry going as we speak.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. I think it's about playing the hand you're dealt.

  4. How true. March is endless. And cold here til now.

  5. I have one bulb up in my pot o' bulbs, but no idea what.


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