Thursday, March 4, 2021

See you and raise you

This morning, with the help of a neighbor driving me to an area I know nothing of, I got my first Covid19 vaccine.  Very smooth operation, they sent a reminder yesterday, a link this morning to click on arrival at the store, card filled out, follow the footsteps on the carpet, check in again, small examining room for administration of shot, round the corner observation area, till finally I got to leave.

They gave me the card to bring back next time, a sticker to tell the world I got my vax, and here's the fun part: a lollipop!  The technician saw me laughing when I saw the bowl of lollipops in the exam room, and said, ha, everyone laughs, but you know what, everyone takes one!  Which I did.  Cream soda flavor.

So now the conversation goes: did you get an appointment? if so, which vaccine?  And Now I'm here to say I'll see the vaccine and raise you: a lollipop!

Very smooth process, really organized.  The person in charge of observation told me they'd already done a thousand vax shots, no immediate reactions, encouraging news.

And in other good news:  I have now helped three people to get their appointments. The latest is a friend who was able to snag one by phone to Walmart.  They opened up a program a couple of days ago for people 75 and over who wanted to call in.  He hadn't heard anything about it, since the info was all online, as usual, so when I let him know, he instantly called, next I heard he was off to Trenton to do the paperwork, and later he emailed to say he'd got the appointment, for next week.  Very happy campers all around.

That said, it simply shouldn't be so hard that you have to assemble a team to help you get a spot.  And now the State of NJ, probably shamed by Walmart, has opened up an appointment phone hotline for people 75 and up.  High time.  The oldest age group was stampeded aside when they opened up the eligibility to 65 and older, masses of people with computer skills instantly on it, websites crashing, rosters filled literally within minutes. No chance for an older person who didn't understand about websites, or opening several windows, etc.  I had two devices going at once when I got my appointments. Starting at 4 a.m. daily until I managed it.

But I'm very happy for the people I managed to help, just passing on what I'd learned, really.

And there was a lollipop at the end of it!

I'm now going to loaf all afternoon, drink tea, read and generally bask.  The friend who drove me there agreed that it's good to have post vax plans.  He has them for his grandchildren. He's got his first shot, and when he drives me for my second, will be done with his series.  Megasite for him, National Guard marshalling hundreds of cars around some big area in north Jersey, shot delivered carside.  I think my little CVS was a bit more comfortable.  But we'll take it, anyway.

In other good news, my neighbors are back from India.  So we are back to hearing kids play outside, and getting the scent of lovely food wafting from their kitchen, and so glad to see them back.  The kids have been doing online school, usual school district. Except that in India they were 12 hours different. They were attending school during the night. Getting done at about 2  a.m.  Now they're having to  adapt back again.  

They were so happy when they got back and saw the snow.  They ran out, all booted and coated and hatted, to throw it about and throw themselves about and have a screaming good time. It was just lovely to see and hear. This is why I like not living in one of those retirement places. I know some people love them.  But it's not for me.  I do like a bit of life outside.


  1. So thrilled for you on getting the first vaccine & happy that you had a good neighbor to drive you!

    1. Thank you. Since I wrote that he stopped in to check on me. I'm fine!

  2. One thing I really enjoy where I live is voices of children. And sight of bicycles.
    I'm so glad you've begun the regime.

    1. yes, there's a lot of life going on with kids, especially on everything from trikes to big two wheelers and scooters and skateboards.

      I feel so much better now that I've started, too. Good feeling that I'm getting somewhere now.

  3. It must be a relief to have your first shot now! And a lollipop too!

  4. I like hearing kids playing...good that you finally got the injections squared away and I hope you enjoyed the lollipop.

    1. The lollipop was good, first in many years. I'm wondering now if they'll be available in the second visit.

  5. It makes my heart so happy to know that you have gotten your first vaccine. And it also makes my heart happy to think about the neighbors being home, cooking, living, the children joyfully playing in the snow.
    It sounds as if all is well.

    1. I'm also happy for the people I helped. Yes, all is well.

  6. Children sure do brighten up the neighbourhood. Yay for vaccines too.

  7. yay, one down, one to go. my neighbor is coming by later to see if I can help her get an appointment for her husband and her mother, both are eligible. she calls all the places and they tell her to sign up online. but they do not have a computer are computer illiterate and I don't understand why neither of their two sons have helped them navigate and get on waiting lists.

    1. Great to hear you're helping. It's such a cruel system that penalizes people for not having skills they probably never needed before. So thank you for all the oldest people and others being left out by technology.

  8. Replies
    1. Yes. A year ago who knew we'd be so excited for each other on getting a vax. Yours is up soon I think?


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