Thursday, March 11, 2021

Soup, muffins and dumpster finds

 I've been wanting to make carrot cashew soup for a while, and had some misfits carrots already prepped and in the freezer for that purpose.  Then I found that the can of cashews was not as full as I thought, so I added in a handful of yellow split peas, so as to keep the golden color.  

Cooking down the onions here, and a rind of Parmesan cheese, always a terrific flavor addition to soup.  If it doesn't dissolve, you can fish it out, rinse and reuse later.  I keep them in the freezer.  This one ended up dissolving.  And there was a little container of chicken flavored liquid in the freezer, which I added.

 Beautiful color, and here with Thai basil as a garnish, also a flavoring, this is all it takes to flavor soup with it.  And since the split peas thickened the soup a lot, it can be thinned with milk if I feel like doing it. Half a dozen helpings in this pot of soup.

Then, last evening I realized, shock, horror, all the banana bread, and the cornbread, was gone.  The bakery larder was bare!  so I made a batch of misfits blueberry hot biscuits. 

A slight hitch when I realized that until my misfits olive oil, a lovely Greek choice this time, arrives tomorrow, I didn't have enough for the recipe. It takes five tablespoons, the way I do it.  Sooooo, I used the one remaining Tb and used melted butter and a spoonful of plain wholemilk yogurt for the rest of the liquid.  

I needed to bake it a couple of minutes beyond the usual 10 minutes at 425f, and it was really great.  Very light, but holds together enough to pick it up and eat it.  I may do this again. Usually you're careful about subbing in baking, chemistry more delicate than in cooking, but here it worked just fine. They look a little eerie, because of the blue color showing through, but they taste just fiiiiine.

Then, at the dumpster yesterday, a find.  First in ages, since dumpsters around here don't yield much in recent years.  Different population, don't shed things as lightly as previous residents.

And here it is, seen from outside, weighs a ton, some blond wood, very nice looking, pretty new, and I thought it would get a couple of plants up off the floor, always a good thing.  Makes the area look more finished, too.

So that was a Good Dumpster Dive. I know since the winnowing I vowed not to add things in, but in my own defense, I have been moving things out all along, so there's that.

And then, you know how I've been doing that long long arduous project on the spun, plied, knitted, woven vest?  Took months.  And the Robe likewise.  Here's another long arduous project, mainly one about procrastination.  This is one of my favorite thriftie buys, a linen vest, lovely greyish and white stripes, fits a treat.  And that middle button came off several months ago.

This morning, after taking care not to lose the button all this time, it's a special one I can't replace, spending more energy not losing it than dealing with it, I finally got it stitched on.  See, it's the second one down in the picture.

Really, it took literally less than two minutes, including finding needle, thread, and scissors.  So this deserves some sort of Procrastinators' Award.  I repaired two pairs of knitted slippers this week, too, wearing one pair right now. So I guess that was the dress rehearsal for Stitching On The Button.

Hold the applause, please, oh, you are holding it already? Oh well, then.


  1. Love the look of the plants. The table was a great find.

  2. That's a nice little end table -- did you repaint it?

    1. I found it last night! As I said, it's blond wood meaning finished natural wood. It looks white in pix, but it's a light honey color.

  3. I have SO many parm rinds in the freezer! I need to use them more often.
    What a beautiful little table! Perfect for your needs.
    Procrastinators, unite! But not today, okay?

    1. Yeah, our meeting can happen another day.

  4. Congratulations on your Procrastination Award! Well done
    Wow dumpster dive!

    1. Isn't it nice? Just right. Most of the mountain of furniture at the dumpster is gone already.

  5. Super table, and you didn't even have to do much repair or cleaning up. I'd like to find one like that.
    We all have those 2 minute repair jobs, like your button, that are always waiting for the special 2 minutes to be found.
    Your soup looks very good, I really like making (and consuming) home made soup of any kind.

    1. I think you put your finger on it. It's not just any old two minutes. It's the designated time, which might be months later..

  6. Yep, I sure understand procrastination! Isn't it funny how many things we put off are quickly done - once we start. That's a nice table and I love all your plants!

    1. I like plants organized in heights so you can see them all. The found table was really helpful.

  7. why do we put off simple mending? I do and then when I finally get around to it it's done in no time. and that table is a great find, in good shape and useful.

  8. That's a great vest; pockets and everything.

    1. Yes, that's a big reason I like it. Oddly, when I got it at the thriftie, the pockets were still stitched shut the way the makers do to keep the shape. Evidently the first owner didn't notice they were real pockets, so I cut the stitches and they they were.

  9. Procrastinator here :-)

    Lovely table, beautiful vest, and oooh those biscuits. Yogurt does seem to make a nice light crumb.

    Chris from Boise

    PS Your Vest of Many Colors in a previous post - spectacularly beautiful!!

  10. My "in process" items in the workroom might be a contender for the Procrastinators Award but yaayyy, clap, clap, clap to you!

  11. The award takes into account the size of the task as well as the time elapsed in waiting.


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