Friday, March 5, 2021

Jersey Proud and banana bread

Just want to wave the flag a bit for my state.  Home of the J and J researchers who have just released the single dose vaccine, already being administered in state. And of the Merck hq, now working with J and J in production of the vaccine and related supplies.  Just sayin.  Both within an hour of where I sit proudly typing this, as if I had any right to any credit in it!  And CVS already administering it in state, as of a few hours ago. People make a lot of jokes about NJ, but when it counts, guess who came through..anyway, moving along now

Banana bread today, with the additional attractions of golden raisins, crushed walnuts and a big addition of finely grated lemon zest from the freezer.  I always keep a nice supply of this frozen, ready for sudden ideas like this.  And the smell as you stir it, still frozen, is heavenly.  Half and half wholewheat and ap.

So here's today's finished product, the baking tin in the background.  Some of this has already made its way next door to the neighbor who has been watching over me since he drove me for the vax.  He's checked personally three times to make sure I'm still vertical. And his grands are visiting this evening, so they will like some banana bread, I expect.

I did need to put a wraparound capsaicin pain patch on the needled arm to get some sleep last night, but all's well now, and though I did have to rest after baking, that's fine, too.  It's definitely more than a flu shot, more in the Shingrix mode, but that's not surprising, considering the disease it's revving my system up to deal with.

Latest lovely snippet from Twitter, when people get their metaphors mixed:  it's not rocket surgery, folks!


  1. Mmmmm, that banana bread sounds especially tasty!

    1. Quite a bit has now been distributed to neighbors. I have to reserve some for my son!

  2. Nice reward for your neighbor, for all his care.

    1. Knowing him, it will all be shared between the grands.

  3. Such a pretty loaf of bread. I know it tasted even better.

  4. your banana bread does sound lovely. unfortunately I'm restricting sugar (added and natural) and carbohydrates til my next blood work to see if it brings my blood sugar down. glad you didn't have a bad reaction to the shot. it's usually the second one that has more reaction.

    1. Yes, that's what I hear. Unlike the shingles series, where the first shot was a hamnerblow. When I went for my second, the pharmacist said a lot of people didn't, after the first experience! The second not bad at all.

      I hope your dietary vigilance gets good results, even if you miss some good bakery.

  5. Dear Liz,

    Sadly, we are not very keen on bananas and so, delicious as your banana bread looks, we cannot see ourselves trying it. However, perhaps it is rather like carrot cake where one really has no idea where any carrot featured in its construction. Perhaps one too many banana sandwiches as children finished us off for ever!!

    And, yes, what amazing news about the new single dose vaccine. We are not surprised that you feel a little worse for wear. This vaccine must really be delivering a punch to the immune system. So, you deserve to feel proud of your home state in delivering this life saving addition to the COVID response. It brings us all one step closer to a brighter future.

    1. Yes about the banana bread: it's just part of the liquid ingredients. You can't detect it as bananas. Like peach curry, where the peaches are just texture, not flavor.

      And I admit to getting teary seeing video of huge rigs leaving the vaccine suppliers and swinging onto the highway to deliver. It's like the modern day version of Balto bringing the serum!


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