Sunday, March 28, 2021

Blueberry Newtons, mitered knitting

Slow start, cool rainy Sunday, reading Maisie Dobbs An Incomplete Revenge, knitted another square 

while listening to p g Wodehouse audiobook, Galahad at Blandings, then finally had to get to today's task.

I started last night, making blueberry jam, ready for a filling. The idea is a fruit filled soft cookie, like Fig Newtons, but I had blueberries. 

Dough mixed, some reserved for topping, the rest pressed into parchment lined dish. The parchment is important here if you ever plan to get the finished product out again. Soft rich dough.

Base baked, now the filling is spooned in. I made a lot of jam, using all the blueberries, so there will be extra.

That extra bit I rolled out and kept in the freezer until ready to put the lid on. I had just guessed at the size of the top, because the rest of it was in the oven, couldn't measure.

When I peeled it off the parchment paper, it was exactly like taking handmade paper off the felt, same process, same attention to edges in order to retrieve it in one piece.

Pretty good guess about size. Now it all goes back in a 350°f oven to finish baking.

It better be good after this performance. Now it has to cool in the pan for two hours. Two hours. I'll have forgotten baking it by then.

I cut into it while still warm, no harm done and here's the result

And here's the extras

Jar for the neighbor who's driving me to my second vax, and one for home consumption. I had some for breakfast, on toast, pretty good.

This may be one of those recipes that turns out well, takes ages, you're glad you did it, you're not hurrying to repeat it.

And there are various versions of why Newtons, ranging from Isaac to a town in Massachusetts. That usually means nobody really knows. Probably some colonial Mom, Mrs Newton, making a treat for the kids to use the ripe blueberries. Oh no, that was me. It's supposed to be dried figs. But who's counting.


  1. Looks absolutely delicious! What a great way to use extra blueberries!

    1. It's really good. Slight crunch outside then soft inside. I used almond essence because I had no vanilla.

      It was quite a bit of work, including climbing up to find the essence bottles which had fallen over out of sight.

    2. I use a lot of almond extract. I think it goes so well with many things.

  2. That looks sooo good! Plus you can consider it healthy cookies since blueberries are so good for you. (we won't think about the sugar!) You could also make it with different fruits. I like to cook up fresh blueberries and sugar and serve on top of pound cake. I love the variety of colors you have on the squares you are knitting.

    1. Healthy cookies! Yeah.

      I'm using up any bits of yarn I can find, and the colors are all over the place. It's fun.

  3. What great timing this post is. I love the idea of blueberry newtons. We usually have a lot of blueberries every summer, so this is an idea to try. Thanks!

    1. You set the idea in motion, Leigh, thank you. Everybody, check out Leigh's homesteading blog for all kinds of ideas and adventures in self sufficient living.

  4. I always look forward to your next adventure during the pandemic, all from the comfort of home. Looks good!

  5. They look good. A nice summer picnic treat.

  6. You are a talented cook/baker. It all looks so good.

  7. I'm glad I made it. Had another today, even better. This stuff improves with age. Not that it's going to get very aged.

    Thank you for the nice words.

  8. Blueberry newtons - that sounds really good!


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