Monday, January 16, 2012

Skating with geese and dyeing with silk

So today, very cold, but very bright, perfect for skating, if you're a goose

and flying away when you're finished your Yamaguchi routine.

Also perfect for spotting natural leaf formations

which then translated back in the studio, this afternoon, into these dyed pieces

the more muted one a polyester gauze, two views.

the brighter one being silk (thank you, MC and E!) which takes up the dye very well. These will eventually be part of some embroidered piece, I expect. Meanwhile, just fun in the studio.

Just thought you'd like, for once, to see the origin of an idea as well as its execution.


  1. I could not resist the title of this piece and I laughed aloud at the wonderful goose skaters. Loving the translation of leaves to gauze and silk, the muted one being the better match to my current mood. Very satisfying to see, as MY weather is cheerful sunshine. xo

  2. I keep hoping to catch a photo of the geese trying to land on the ice - too funny. Sometimes they look just like bowling pins being knocked all helter skelter along with the accompanying honking for the road.


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