Seems logical seen that way.
On walk this afternoon unexpected comic relief: a group of teenage boys kicking a bunch of soccer balls around on the field, one gives a mighty swipe, ball sails, lands in pin oak, stays there.
Boys gather round with a second ball, toss it up to dislodge the first ball. Second ball settled right in beside the first one. Stays there.
Frantic search for a third ball. Toss that up, one ball rolls about a bit, third ball returns, others do not.
I took pity on them and left at that point, not wishing to dent their pride even further by watching the train wreck. As I left I could hear them you got to CLIMB it then, you did it! climb it how, branches are fifteen feet off the ground? get a long pole. Where? and so on.
I didn't even take their picture, because I'm a nice person. And because there were five of them and one of me..
I wonder if they ended up tossing the bicycle up to dislodge the soccer balls, and then tossing one of their number up to dislodge the bicycle.
Well, if they'd been playing with a real ball, like a rugby ball, it wouldn't have got stuck in the tree in the first place. Silly boys!!